Innocents at Risk Innocents at Risk is a 5. Our mission is to educate citizens about the grave issue of global and local human trafficking. We are dedicated to protecting children from all forms of abuse, and work to end child exploitation and child trafficking everywhere. Human Trafficking is a 1. Organization that seeks to close the US Army School of the Americas through vigils and fasts, demonstrations, nonviolent protest, and legislative action. With Lynne Adams, Zoe Aggeliki, Isabelle Blais, Cline Bonnier. Hundreds of thousands of young women have vanished from their everyday livesforced by violence into. Watch4HD Watch Free Movies Online. Download and watch full movies. Watch your favorite Free movies online on Watch4HD. Discover thousands of latest hot movies online. A 15yearold girl who was filmed having sex with multiple boys in a Florida high school bathroom in an incident that prompted an investigation was a. United States in every major city and small town. According to the Department of State, 2 million women and children are victims of human trafficking every year. In the United States, 3. In Washington DC alone, trafficking innocent children is a 1. Since 2. 00. 4, Innocents at Risk has been working to raise awareness about the horrors of child trafficking in America and around the world. We conduct educational outreach programs through churches, clubs, organizations, schools and embassies. Our awareness DVD has been used at every major embassy and throughout the United States as an educational resource. In 2. 00. 7, we began training airline personnel, who are our first line of defense in protecting the countless children who are trafficked on major flights each day. Our brochures, wrist bands, and educational workshops have armed thousands of flight attendants with information on how to recognize and report trafficking before even reaching the ground. With the help of our new partner, Airline Ambassadors airlineamb. Child trafficking affects all of us. TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE FIGHT AGAINST CHILD TRAFFFICKING. Sincerely,Deborah S. Sigmund. FounderDirector. Please watch this short fllm We wanted to share this excellent video produced by ECPAT USA, our partner in the fight tokeep children safe We will use this video in our presentations to students, youth, parents and teachers, to bring awareness and mobilize communities to identify and end human trafficking. Please join Innocents at Risk and support our Keep our Children Safe Campaign as we start the 2. M/MV5BMjAwMjcxODM1NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTgzMDYwMw@@.jpg' alt='Watch Human Trafficking Online Free 2016' title='Watch Human Trafficking Online Free 2016' />Innocents at Risk Featured in Local Magazines. The Kent Connection. Read the entire article hereInnocents at Risk in Spring Valley Life. Read the entire article here Innocents at Risk Visits Ninos de Cristo in the Dominican Republic. We just returned from our three day trip to the Dominican Republic where we visited Ninos de Cristo. This trip was absolutely inspiring and an amazing experience for all of us. We visited the children at Ninos de Cristo where we gave them our gifts of clothing, shoes, hygienic supplies, and provided lunch. The children were all so happy to receive their presents and appreciated the materials we supplied. While we were there we got to play with the kids and spend time at the orphanage. We wanted to thank everyone who supported this trip and helped us have such a successful experience. We would like to specifically thank Staci and Isabella Capuano for coming and supporting the children at Ninos de Cristo, as well as their generous friends who donated so many of the gifts. We would also like to thank Sandy Brock for her generous donation towards this trip. View more photos from our visit herePhotos of the Innocents at Risk 2. Gala. Visit our 2. Gala Photo Gallery herePhoto by Neshan Naltchayan. Photo by Neshan Naltchayan. Photos by Neshan Naltchayan. Photo by Neshan Naltchayan. More photos hereDepartment of Homeland Securitys Blue Campaign. Innocents at Risk 2. Gala. Dear Friends of Innocents at Risk,Its hard to believe that Innocents at Risks Gala was a week from today. Thank you for all of your kind comments, generous support, but most of all, thank you for being at the 2. Innocents at Risk Gala. We would like to thank Ambassador and Mrs. Perez for arranging for Innocents at Risk to have the Gala at the beautiful Organization of American States. Thank you my dear friend, Barbara Harrison, for being our Master of Ceremony for the 1. Everyone loved having you thereA special thank you to Jennifer and Mark Axmacher for being the Event Chairs. It Takes A Thief Full Episodes Youtube. You and your committee brought a special enthusiasm the the event and the evening. The OAS looked so beautiful and we appreciate the staff at the OAS for being so helpful. The music by the wonderful band, Trio Caliente, was fabulous and fun. It was great to see the dance floor fullThe evening was also a success because of the delicious food and gorgeous tables, thank you Occasions and Ultra Violet for making it such a special event In addition, we have to thank Washington Life, The Georgetowner, Tony Powell and Neshan Naltchayan for covering our event. We are so grateful that Matt Osborne, the Senior Vice President of Operation Underground Railroad, was with us to share what they do. Operation Underground Railroad is an incredible organization of heros. Innocents at Risk was proud to present O. U. R. with the Making a Difference Award. Matt and all of O. U. R. are truly making a difference by saving innocent children and Innocents at Risk is proud to be their partner. Innocents at Risk is planning a trip to the Dominican Republic soon to ensure safe homes for the rescued children. The Gala is over, but our work will continue in the U. S. and abroad. We are looking forward to working with the Salvation Army, Airline Ambassadors, and the D. C. Task Force and continuing to educate children in schools. Everything we do is for the children. Thank you for supporting to 2. Gala. We look forward to working with you all. In the coming weeks we will send out a list of suggestions for how you can get involved directly with Innocents at Risk. We will continue to expand and keep children safe Thank you and God bless you all. Warmly,Deborah. Deborah Sigmund appears on Right Side Forum LIVE with. Armstrong Williams CHILD ABDUCTIONS TRAFFICKINGOriginally aired March 1. View the video here. Cherise Crawford, Deborah Sigmund, and Brian Bucksell appear on Right Side Forum LIVE with Armstrong Williams CHILD ABDUCTIONS TRAFFICKINGMissouri Attorney General Josh Hawley announces new initiatives to combat human trafficking. Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley announced Monday that his office will begin to target human traffickers through new regulations under Missouris consumer protection laws, an effort supporters hope will lead to more prosecutions. READ MORE HERE Deborah Sigmund with U. S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine L. Chao at the DOT 5. Anniversary Open House. March 2. 9, 2. 01. Free Screening of the Movie SOLDMarch 1. PMMount Vernon Place United Methodist Church. Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington DC, 2. Deborah S. Sigmund, Founder of Innocents at Risk, will speak about the magnitude of human trafficking and its impact on the women and children who are its victims. Register here for free event. President Trump Makes Fighting Trafficking a Top Priority. As Founder and Director of Innocents at Risk, I am so grateful that President Trump cares deeply about the fight to end Human Trafficking. This will be a priory of the Trump Administration. I am also grateful to Ivanka Trump for getting involved with this critical issue. The president held a short, dramatic press conference after meeting with human trafficking experts to announce that he will direct the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies to devote more resources and personnel to the investigation. I want to make it clear today that my administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking and I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government at the federal level in order to solve this horrific problem that is getting worse. Human trafficking is a dire problem, both domestically and internationally, and is one thats made really a challenge. And its really made possible to a large extent, more of a modern phenomenon, by whats taking place on the Internet, as you probably know. Solving the human trafficking epidemic, which is what it is, is a priority for my administration. Were going to help out a lot.