South Park Raisins Episode Quotes' title='South Park Raisins Episode Quotes' />South Park Main Characters Characters. The fat kid of the group. Incredibly selfish and mean, but the other boys keep him around because they know he wont get along well with anyone else. One of the most well known and polarizing characters of the show. Among other things, he hates hippies, Jews, gingers, Wendy Testaburgers liberal views, people making fun of his weight, and the. Its to the extent that in one episode, they all flat out tell Cartman that they dont like him and couldnt possibly have a lower opinion of him than they already do. Acrofatic While usually very out of shape, he proves to be surprisingly athletic as The Coon, scaling buildings and a half destroyed roller coaster with apparently little effort. Butters gets his pimp on in this fanfavorite episode Butters Bottom Bitch. Watch full episodes of South Park. South Park is over for another year, boo. But despite nearly two decades of episodes, it doesnt show any sign of getting lame, as Cartman might say. This is list of songs on South Park. The name listed in parentheses indicates who originally. Then this trope is subverted majorly in. Especially when playing with his dolls ie. Clyde Frog, Peter Panda, etc. South Park Raisins EpisodesAll Take and No Give Cartman demands to have everything handed over to him whenever he wants something and he usually has his friends do the work for whatever he needs or wants done while he doesnt do any of the heavy duty stuff himself. Cartman never gives anyone anything unless its part of a scheme he has planned and he hardly ever gives words of thanks when its due, especially to his mother. Ambiguous Disorder Depending on the needs of the episode, he can occasionally be found somewhere at the crossroads between ASPDsociopathy, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Schizophrenia. Ambiguously Bi Although hes shown to have feelings for Wendy and Patty Nelson, he has also frequently shown heavily repressed attraction to men, among other strange tendencies. In various episodes, hes been known to dress like Britney Spears and dance with a Justin Timberlake stand up, joins NAMBLA, takes a picture of Butters penis in his mouth then tries to take one of his penis in Butters mouth, and in. However, some of these instances, particularly NAMBLA and the pictures of him and Butters, can be chalked up to him simply being too naive and stupid to understand what hes really doing. His hatred for Kyle often leads into sexual humiliation that carries these implications, including going to great lengths to force Kyle to suck his balls in. Then theres. Then, of course, a season after that he actually gets his first girlfriend. Ambition Is Evil In. Stan and Kyle know that this being a reenactment, the Confederacy has no chance of winning. What does Cartman do He motivates them to fight for real, leads them across America, gets enough manpower to field an actual army along the way. Then theres the time he bets Stan and Kyle that he can produce a platinum album 1 million copies sold by taking advantage of Christian rock and only fails in the end because they only give out myrrh albums instead of platinum ones. Angrish His hilariously unique vocal mannerisms lead to this being used a lot, with many instances being outright Crowning Moments of Funny. Hell, hell use his rasped garbles for almost any occasion one of his most memorable moments involved him delving into this out of dumbfounded jubilation in. He then becomes a Villain Protagonist until he goes back to being an Anti Hero in the second half of Season 1. Anti Villain Starting with Season 1. Most of his schemes veer down Well Intentioned Extremist territory. South Park Raisins Episode SongsWatch South Park Online at Couchtuner. Eu. As Kyle, Stan, Kenny and Cartman wait for the school bus, Kyles little brother, Ike, tries to follow Kyle to. Anti Role Model He is often made the voice of political views the author disagrees with, and is also a fat, moronic, sociopathic, and all around awful person. Arbitrary Skepticism In. When aliens blast Kenny into oncoming cattle, thus killing him, Cartman even denies that Kenny is dead, despite having presumably seen what happened right before his eyes. Arch Enemy For Kyle. Watch The Thing With Two Heads Online Free HD. Watch Tommy Boy Streaming on this page. The Atoner Became this in. Not because he felt remorse for his past actions or even cared that he might go to Hell for them, but so that he could stop being a ghost. Of a somewhat self preserving sort as of Season 2. As he recognizes Political Correctness is here to stay, he tries to integrate himself into it, with varying levels of sincerity and success. Getting together with Heidi has certainly helped. Attention Whore Interrupts class a lot just to get attention among other things. Author Avatar For Trey to a degree. He has mentioned in several communities and interviews that he shares some of the same views as Cartman. Most notably about Family Guy, and gingers. Ax Crazy He is known for infamously chopping up the bodies of two dead parents and feeding them to their own son in the form of chili, in the infamous. He shows signs of full blown psychosis at times, and generally has a narcissistic, psychopathic nature. Badass Beard As. Also one of the biggest Karma Houdini moments ever. Aside from that episode, there are several moments over the shows 2. However, he loses just as often as he wins. Bad Samaritan. Subverted in. Also Kyle, probably. Berserk Button He usually just makes a quick rebuttal when hes called fat, but occasionally it falls into this. Dont scam him out of his money and refuse to give it back. Never, ever let him think his penis is smaller than any other fourth grader. Watch The Newest Pledge Online IMDB. Speaking of penis, never shoot someone there. Big Bad The main antagonist of a few episodes, if not a Villain Protagonist. The Big Guy When siding with his friends. Big Eater. The last one consists of a stick of butter rolled in chocolate milk flavoring powder and sandwiched between two Pop Tarts. Blue and Orange Morality Almost any time Cartman does something thats at least in his mind purely unselfish in deed or intent, his reasoning can be a bit. He never pays attention in school and remains ignorant. Despite this problem, he forms very detailed plans, considers complex issues and is a brilliant manipulator. Boomerang Bigot In. Also, in a twisted way, it has been implied on numerous occasions that he is possibly a Child Hater. Borrowed Catch Phrase In Kyle walking outside Cartmans yard, but suddenly stops and turns towards the clubhouseYou bastards It is implied that he provoked a tirade of abuse on one student for crapping his pants in public so much that the student later committed suicide. Bullying a Dragon Despite his sociopathic and xenophobic traits, Cartman couldnt take a punch in earlier seasons as he would cry after the first punch or when hes in an unfavourable position, which was shown when Kyle pinned him against a tree after he made a comment in. His lack of combat skills was also shown when he tried to back out of a fight against Wendy but it turning into a Curb Stomp Battle with Wendy brutally defeating him. However, he was capable of holding his own against Dr. Nelson was a dwarf, but still a grown assed man. Butt Monkey Hes the character that the other boys make fun of the most. The pilot episode is literally about things going into and coming out of Cartmans ass. Of course hes still a Butt Monkey now, but he actually deserves the bad stuff that happens to him. Cain and Abel Hes Scott Tenormans half brother, whom he fed his own parents. Cant Stand Them, Cant Live Without Them In a very twisted way, Cartman realized in IM BIG BONED A Running Gag is his literal inability to say any other variation of the word Cartmanez persona, teaching troubled kids how to cheat. Originally, his selfish, impulsive behaviour stemmed from his absolute inability to think beyond his momentary desires. Now, however, hes usually running mental circles around Stan and Kyle and his evilness is premeditated, revealing him as an absolute villain. His whining used to only sway his mother and leave everybody else absolutely unmoved, but now hes a master of manipulation and can play huge crowds like a fiddle. Characterization Marches On In the early seasons, his main antagonism was with Kenny, whom he constantly made fun of for being poor. From about Season 5 to 1. Semitism is far, far more prominent than it was previously, and he literally cant speak to Kyle without making fun of him for being Jewish.