USS DETECTOR MSO-429 CREW LISTS The Goal is to Locate as many Ex- Detector Shipmates as Possible, Gather as much Memories, Info and Photos we can and preserve them on. The trip from Fort Dix to Baltimore lasted approximately three hours. It had occurred to me that it was the first time in eight weeks that I actually was sitting in a.

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USS DETECTOR CREWCREW MEMORIES     I was on the commissioning crew and still have my "PLANK OWNER CERTIFICATE," and pictures taken of the commissioning ceremonies. We had a fire during sea trials in the engine room, and from reading the various reports of her history down through years this was a reoccurring problem. I remember Lt. Com. Tingle he was an ex tin can man from W. W. II who was torpedoed twice in the Atlantic. He hated sharks as he had seen his mates killed in the water, and every time sharks were spotted at sea, he would break out small arms and we got target practice. He left the ship in '5.

Pentagon, and we got a real Capt. Queek as his replacement. I left the ship for civilian life in '5. I met my future wife in Charleston while on the Detector, we recently celebrated 4. For those of you who served, here is why the ship's bell was chrome plated. When first commissioned, the leading CPO had us polishing that damn bell twice a day as it was brass. One night in Long Beach, the bell disappeared, next morning it was back in place Chrome plated, never to be polished again.

Another story, In Charleston 1. Ensigns went sailing beyond the sea buoy and a storm came up. One was the son of an Adm. We were ordered to sea to search for them with the usual weekend crew aboard about 1/4. Along with other sweeps we looked for 3 days, finally we found the sailboat upside down with a preserver, but no bodies. We grapalled for the boat but it sank, we got the preserver with the name "ONDINE." THAT ENDED THE SEARCH after we notified Hdq.

We later received a note from the Adm. I got about 6 hrs. I was the only qualified radar operator on board, everybody else was ashore. I didn't even have weekend duty, I just got caught on board. Don Prosser SO3 1.

Pro. 06. 01. 57@aol. COM     I was on the Detector in 6. IC2. made first on Detector. I was there for 2 1/2 years. Captain Hanigan LCDR .

LCDR CD Collis.. I loved that ship. I spent a lot of hours stringing those hammer boxes and acoustical devices. I saw where the ship was sold for just over 2. I made a med cruise on Detector. We refueled from a LST. George L. Cleveland IC1 USN Retglleve. During the med cruise of 1.

Detector hit a reef or rock or ran aground while picking up practice mines off the coast of Malta. Divers found that the hull and the port variable pitch propeller were damaged. We went to Naples Italy for repairs. The ship was put in a floating dry dock. Workers started the repairs and things seemed to be going nicely.     One morning about a week later, the crew was awakened to abandon ship. The dry dock had started to sink on one side and the Detector was still on it. The weather was cold and the crew was dressed from just under ware and blanket to full uniform.

Everyone made it off and the shipyard workers took us to warm buildings and fed us and gave us booze to get rid of any chill that one may have or may want to get later.     The yard workers sank the other side while some of the engine room crew went aboard and replaced sea valves. The ship was safe once more and repaired in a regular dry dock. Charles "Chuck" Critzer EX EN3 1. FUEL & OIL KING". I'm a Detector shipmate (ENS, later LTJG USNR, 1. Naples and the sinking drydock.

It's all correct except for one thing - - we were minehunting near Sardinia. I remember because the exec had a chart of Sardinia he was concerned about the accuracy of - - and the ledge we hit was marked somewhat inaccurately. I was on the bridge at the moment we hit, and the skipper (Marvin Hanigan) said, God damn it, Chris [to Chris Robbins, the XO] - - we've run aground!" All the rest of your story is right on the money. I abandoned ship in my skivvies and bridge coat along with everyone else.     Charles Collis, the PCO, had reported aboard and they had started the turnover of command process. Hanigan said to him, as they stood on the seawall in their blues on that chilly looking at the poor MSO cocked at a high angle and taking on water, "Sure you don't want to relieve me right now?"     I love the website.

Glad you sent in that story. I'm writing a book about that Med cruise! Art Norton ENS 1. After enlisting in Oct.

San Diego, Gunners Mate schooling in Great Lakes, I reported to the U. S. S. Detector for my sea duty. I was on the Detector for two Med. Carib. I left the ship just before she went to Charleston in 1. I had some medical needs to take care of before my discharge. I remember running aground during our combined training off of Sardina.

I was below in. the forward compartment at the time and remember the shudder when we ran aground and again as the ship would be lifted by a ground swell then set. The Capt., as I understood, gave the order to back off and we did. We usually carried a few underwater dem. I can remember the die floating in the water from, I was told from the Sonar dome.     Any way, we went back to Naples on one screw to the floating dry dock, the abandon ship, very early in the cold cold morning, the breakfast, the booze cart etc. I remember people were in all different stages of dress, depending on how long they decided to take to get dressed after the watch came through telling everyone to get off the ship and the angle of the deck when we rolled out of our bunks. I was the sea detail helmsman and was on the helm when we went into the Naples harbor on the one screw.

I was also on the helm when we ran aground while we were leaving Little Creek, just before we cleared the breakwater. Any way lots of memories. Gary Johnston. Gunners Mate USS Detector MSO 4. Having only served a few months on the Detector from March till the end of August 1. I served with. lol. That was long enough for me to just get aboard.. Med cruise and get back in time to be discharged after four years in the Navy.     I wasn't the only short- timer..

An RM2 was also getting out in a short time. So before we got back in port from the Med cruise, the Captain wanted the passage way and steps painted between deck levels outside of the radio shack as I can remember.     So I talked it over with the short timer.. Navy. We used white, red and black paint to accent everything we could fine. And as a last finishing touch.. This may be the only time a Navy ship had pink railings. We knew quite well what we were doing with the detail colors..

And as far as the pink railings would go.. But as luck was not on our side, the Captain, after looking at that pink for three days.. Frank ex- RM3     There are many memories I have taken with me from the Detector.     The most impressive part of her was how she brought all of us together as one. She was small enough to know everyone, yet Mighty enough to successfully complete any task given. I fondly recall the many days in Radio while underway.

It was tight as we were undermanned, we were working port and starboard watches and the workload was pretty intense, yet with RM3 Johnny Adams, ET2 Kevin Harrison, and the rest of the crew. It was always as if we were working alongside family.     With nothing much to do on our free time while underway, we always seemed to gravitate towards Radio.     Always working on something or other whether on duty or not. I recall the many liberties in Charleston, The Overhaul just before Decomm, Climbing up to the Bridge in the dead of night, in a storm off of.

Hatteras to deliver Message traffic. I fondly Recall that ET2 Kevin Harrison had a remarkable scense of Humor and an incredible selection of music to listen to.

I remember MANU DEBANGO (SP) LOL. Johnny Adams actually took leave and came to my Wedding in New York!     I can never forget SM3 Al Mathis and our long discussions on the signal bridge, I recall fondly the beautiful clear blue waters of the Carribean, The hammerhead sharks and dolphins running along the side in our wake, The picture perfect sunsets at sea and the movies on the fantail on warm summer nights.