Description of missing blackwhite television programmes. This sad page details a few programmes that at the present time seem to be entirely missing or unavailable. The Only Way Is Essex 200th Episode SupernaturalArchive Jaywick Martello Tower JMTCoastal Open part of Essex Summer of Art. September October 2. The sixth annual Coastal Open is a celebration of local artists and groups, giving a chance to showcase their talents in arts and crafts. Work included ceramics, photography, textiles, painting plus much more. Over 8. 0 artworks were exhibited from over 3. An associate event of Essex Summer of Art. History of Jazz in Essex. August 2. 01. 5A history of Jazz in Essex You better believe it. The Only Way Is Essex 2017 TOWIE news, gossip and updates on the Essex cast and starsThe Only Way Is Essex 200th Episode Of The SimpsonsThe popular touring exhibition featured over 6. DJs all of whom, over the years, have helped turn Essex into one of the premier counties for Jazz in the UK The Napoleonic Home Front. The Only Way Is Essex 200th Episode Bones' title='The Only Way Is Essex 200th Episode Bones' />July 2. To commemorate the bicentenary of the Battle of Waterloo, The Napoleonic Home Front exhibition was revisited. In the early 1. 80. Britain was fearful of attack from France. The Napoleonic Home Front tells the story of peoples lives under the threat of invasion and the impact of militarisation throughout the Tendring coastal area. The exhibition is available to hire for free. If you are interested in exhibiting it, please contact the Tower 0. Shelf Lives. May June 2. An interactive exhibition by Essex based artist Doug Selway, that binds together exciting and original combinations of paintings with small installations, film and sculpture. Dougs inspiration was individual memory and how it enlivens our shared history. He is interested in how many meanings are in objects that we share and how many of them remain after we are gone. His hope was to encourage an active audience, who feel able to bring their own memories and responces. Design for Living. March April 2. 01. East Anglian artists Clare Birks and Jaymini Bedia led an artistic campaign to inspire ideas for the regeneration of Jaywick. The artists were stimulated by Tendrings distinctive sense of place, the wide open skies, its beautiful beaches, the flotsam and jetsam and its relationship with the sea have collaborated with local residents and students in exploring their community and environment. The communitys work wwas shared through an exhibition, emporing residents to become more active participants in their areas future. In responce to the communitys work the artists have created an installation and performance piece offering an exciting new perspective on the regeneration debate. Coastal Open part of Essex Summer of Art. September November 2. The annual Coastal Open gives local artists a chance to showcase their talents in arts and craft. Each year we exhibit over 3. If you are interested in exhibiting next year then please keep an eye on the website for details. Described at the time as. Watch Five Deadly Venoms Online Five Deadly Venoms Full Movie Online'>Watch Five Deadly Venoms Online Five Deadly Venoms Full Movie Online. Journeyer person who visits a place. May to June 2. 01. The Journeyer exhibition is a voyage of discovery around Harwich a town defined by travel, helping those who choose to journey elsewhere. But what of the town itself, what is the story of the people that stay The arts collective Glassball based themselves in Harwich over 2. Glassballs research has resulted in a series of audio and visual artworks that creatively reveal Harwichs unique character. Using a pinhole camera to radically re interpret this landscape in a way reminiscent of the early days of photography. His homemade camera. The Napoleonic Home Front tells the story of peoples lives under the threat of invasion and the impact of militarisation throughout the Tendring coastal area. The exhibition is available to hire for free. If you are interested in exhibiting it, please contact Jaywick Martello Tower on 0. House of Mirrors. May July 2. 01. House of Mirrors was a soundscape collaboration project between sculptor Rob Olins and composer Doug Benford. The work presented a series of sound pockets which comprised of acoustic mirrors and speakers that were arranged in such a way as to create a sound environment. As the viewer moved about the space the sound changed and any sound that the viewer makes will also be amplified and directed. They are based on First World War aircraft early warning technology, which were very accurately constructed to focus sounds from far away to a single point. House of Mirrors has been exhibited at August Art London, Feb 2. Mission Gallery Swansea September 2. Stroud Valley Arts, Brunel Goods Shed, November 2. Royal British Society of Sculptors, London, January 2. It will also be on tour to the Watermans Arts Centre, Brentford London during winter 2. March April 2. 01. A British Social Athlete is the undiscovered, physically unprepared everyday person in the street. Artist Mel Donohoe is a British Social Athlete and undertook a journey, as the crow flies, across the varied terrain of the East of England to deliver a message from Jaywick to the heart of London 2. Watch Palmetto Mediafire. The exhibition sits between a document and an event, a grounding of what happened, when, how and why. During 2. 01. 2 Mel Donohoe met with residents and visitors of Jaywick and asked them to tell her what they would like to say. She shortlisted a collection of over 3. Team BSA was at the Jaywick Summer Fayre last July, where anyone who attended could vote for the message they would prefer to be sent to London. The winning message was revealed and Team BSA was offOver seven days Mel Donohoe went the distance from Jaywick to London by bicycle, boat and on foot making 1. She arrived in East London on the afternoon of 2. July 2. 01. 2, where she delivered the message loud and clear. A film by Signals Media Centre of the journey will feature as part of the exhibition. British Social Athlete is a project by Mel Donohoe as part of Live Art Collective East inspired by the London 2. Cultural Olympiad. It was supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and Escalator Live Art. Produced by Arts Admin. Film by Signals Media Centre. Jaywick Martello Tower Coastal Open. September October 2. The mixture of unique architecture and stunning coastline has inspired artists, creating an active arts scene. The third year of the Coastal Open was a huge success giving 3. Martello Tower. Fran is passionate about the East Anglia coast where she lives and her artwork is rooted in this sense of place and her experiences of it. Beached was created from just some of the 4. East Anglian beaches whilst trying to. The group designed faces made from litter collect off the beach and animated them to say what they felt about their beach and litter. The film will soon be available to view online. Beached is an exhibition of thousands of plastic pieces collected by the artist Fran Crowe whilst walking on the beaches of East Anglia which have been shaped into a site specific installation. Jaywick Summer Fayre and Jaylympics. Saturday 1. 4th July 2. Held at Golf Green Hall and Crossways Park, Jaywick, CO1. RH Regardless of the rain the Jaywick Summer Fayre was a family fun day which included lots of carnival games, free activities, and dance and sport demonstrations. The local community donated lots of homemade cakes to help raise money for local groups. Local music ensemble TRAXZ wowed visitors with their contemporary classics. The Jaylympics is a free and family fun event which invited people of all ages to come and try a sporting activity. All ages and abilities were welcomed. The Jaylympics was organised by Coastnet and the Jaywick Summer Fayre committee. Many came and enjoyed the incredible acoustic quality inside Tendrings most unusual music venue with curved walls, historical architecture and creative exhibition space it will was an unforgettable evening Magic Eye Workshop. Saturday 2 June 2. A walk in Camera Obscura was stationed outside the Tower, whilst other historical optical instruments were presented inside. In addition inside there was a free popular Make a Thaumatrope workshop. Thaumatropes were the first of many optical toys. Visitors of all ages coloured, strung up, played with and then took home their very own Thaumatrope. Objects were presented by costumed interpreters, for more information visit http www. Taking the Tower.