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Toronto Police Service - Wikipedia. Toronto Police Service.

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Logo of the Toronto Police Service. Motto. To Serve and Protect. Agency overview. Formed. Employees. 7,4. 65 (5,2. Police Officers)[1]Annual budget$1. Billion (2. 01. 5)[2]Legal personality. Governmental: Government agency.

Jurisdictional structure. Size. 64. 1 square kilometres (2. Population. 2. 8 million[4]Governing body. Toronto Police Services Board. General nature. Operational structure. Headquarters. 40 College Street.

And I mean fucking LOVE. When these songs come on, White People look at each other and say "Awwww yeah" or "Hell yeah" and are compelled to sing along.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sworn members. 5,2. Unsworn members. 2,2. Elected officer responsible. The Honourable Marie- France Lalonde, Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services.

Agency executive. Mark Saunders, Chief of Police. Watch A Man Called Peter HDQ. Units. List. Business & Intelligence.

Aviation. Crime Scene. Emergency Task Force. Highway Patrol. Communications. Primary Report Intake, Management and Entry (PRIME)Court Services. Fleet & Materials Management.

Organized Crime Control Command. Integrated Gun & Gang Task Force. Provincial ROPESpecialized Criminal Investigations. Organized Crime Enforcement. School Safety. Transit Bureau.

Transportation Bureau. Boroughs. List. Old Toronto. North York. Scarborough. Etobicoke. East York. York. Facilities. Commands. 17 Divisions.

Transit Districts. Housing Police Service Areas. Police cars. 1,6. Police boats. 23 (2. Horses. 25 (2. 01. Dogs. 35 German Shepherds. Labs. Websitewww.

The Toronto Police Service is the police force servicing Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Established in 1.

North America and one of the oldest police services in the English- speaking world. It is the largest municipal police service in Canada and third largest police force in Canada after the Ontario Provincial Police and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). At a budget of over $1 billion, it ranks second to the Toronto Transit Commission in the budgetary expenses of the municipal government of Toronto.[5]History[edit]1. The Toronto Police Service was founded in 1. Toronto was first created from the town of York. Prior to that, local able- bodied male citizens were required to report for night duty as special constables for a fixed number of nights a year on the pain of fine or imprisonment in a system known as "watch and ward".)[6]The Toronto Police is one of the English- speaking world’s oldest modern municipal police departments; older than, for example, the New York City Police Department which was formed in 1. Boston Police Department which was established in 1.

The London Metropolitan Police of 1. In 1. 83. 5, Toronto retained five full- time constables—a ratio of about one officer for every 1,8. Their daily pay was set at 5 shillings for day duty and 7 shillings, 6 pence, for night duty. In 1. 83. 7 the constables’ annual pay was fixed at £7.

From 1. 83. 4 to 1. Toronto Police was a corrupt and notoriously political force with its constables loyal to the local aldermen who personally appointed police officers in their own wards for the duration of their incumbency. Toronto constables on numerous occasions suppressed opposition candidate meetings and took sides during bitter sectarian violence between Orange Order and Irish Catholic radical factions in the city. A provincial government report in 1. Toronto Police as "formidable engines of oppression".

Although constables were issued uniforms in 1. Toronto Police was "without uniformity, except in one respect—they were uniformly slovenly." After an excessive outbreak of street violence involving Toronto Police misconduct, including an episode where constables brawled with Toronto's firemen in one incident, and stood by doing nothing in another incident while enraged firemen burned down a visiting circus when its clowns jumped a lineup at a local brothel, the entire Toronto Police force, along with its chief, were fired in 1. The new force was removed from Toronto City Council jurisdiction (except for the setting of the annual budget and manpower levels) and placed under the control of a provincially mandated Board of Police Commissioners.

Under its new Chief, William Stratton Prince, a former infantry captain, standardized training, hiring practices and new strict rules of discipline and professional conduct were introduced. Today's Toronto Police Service directly traces its ethos, constitutional lineage and Police Commission regulatory structure to the 1. Plainclothes officers circa 1. In the 1. 9th century, the Toronto Police mostly focused on the suppression of rebellion in the city—particularly during the Fenian threats of 1. The Toronto Police were probably Canada's first security intelligence agency when they established a network of spies and informants throughout Canada West in 1. US Army recruiting agents attempting to induce British Army soldiers stationed in Canada to desert to serve in the Union Army in the Civil War.[citation needed] The Toronto Police operatives later turned to spying on the activities of the Fenians and filed reports to the Chief Constable from as far as Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago and New York City. When in December 1.

Canada West secret frontier police was established under Stipendiary Magistrate Gilbert Mc. Micken, some of the Toronto Police agents were reassigned to this new agency.[9]In 1. Toronto Police were also used as "Indian fighters" during the Manitoulin Island Incident when some fifty natives armed with knives forced the fishery inspector William Gibbard and a fishery operation to withdraw from unceded tribal lands on Lake Huron. Thirteen armed Toronto police officers, along with constables from Barrie, were dispatched to Manitoulin Island to assist the government in retaking the fishery operation, but were forced back when the natives advanced now armed with rifles.

The police withdrew but were later reinforced and eventually arrested the entire band but not before William Gibbard was killed by unknown parties.[1. In the 1. 87. 0s, as the Fenian threat began to gradually wane and the Victorian moral reform movement gained momentum, Toronto police primarily functioned in the role of "urban missionaries" whose function it was to regulate unruly and immoral behaviour among the "lower classes". They were almost entirely focused on arresting drunks, prostitutes, disorderlies, and violators of Toronto’s ultra- strict Sunday "blue law"[1. In the days before public social services, the force functioned as a social services mega- agency. Prior the creation of the Toronto Humane Society in 1. Children’s Aid Society in 1.

They operated the city's ambulance service and acted as the Board of Health. Police stations at the time were designed with space for the housing of homeless, as no other public agency in Toronto dealt with this problem. Shortly before the Great Depression, in 1.

Toronto Police housed 1. The Toronto Police regulated street- level business: cab drivers, street vendors, corner grocers, tradesmen, rag men, junk dealers, laundry operators. Under public order provisions, the Toronto Police was responsible for the licensing and regulation of dance halls, pool halls, theatres, and later movie houses. It was responsible for censoring the content of not only theatrical performances and movies, but of all literature in the city ranging from books and magazines to posters and advertising. The Toronto Police also suppressed labour movements which were perceived as anarchist threats. The establishment of the mounted unit is directly related to the four- month Toronto streetcar strike of 1. Governor General's Horse Guard Regiment to assist in suppressing the strike.

A yellow former Metro Toronto Police car makes an appearance during a parade. As for serious criminal investigations, the Toronto Police frequently (but not always) contracted with private investigators from the Pinkerton’s Detective Agency until the 2. During the 1. 93. Toronto Police under Chief Constable. Dennis "Deny" Draper, a retired Brigadier General and former Conservative candidate, returned to its function as an agency to suppress political dissent.