KKizIeI9YpjONoFIVB79WiPWhw.jpg' alt='Mrs. Ratcliffe`S Revolution Full Movie Part 1' title='Mrs. Ratcliffe`S Revolution Full Movie Part 1' />Iain Glens official website full of archive material including credits, personal files, photographs, video clips, awards and interviews. Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas newspaper. Includes news, sports, opinion, and local information. Ron and Maries Disney Trivia offers the internets only free daily Disney Trivia email list where a new question is sent out every day. Support Black Op Radio for the 2017 season. Mrs. Ratcliffe`S Revolution Full Movie Part 1' title='Mrs. Ratcliffe`S Revolution Full Movie Part 1' />Iain Glen Wikipedia. Prison Break Episodes Online Free Season 2 here. Iain Glen born 2. June 1. 96. 1 is a Scottish film, television, and stage actor. Glen is best known for his roles as Dr. Alexander Isaacs Tyrant in the Resident Evil films and for portraying Ser Jorah Mormont on Game of Thrones. Other notable roles include John Hanning Speke in Mountains of the Moon, Sir Richard Carlisle in Downton Abbey, the title role in Jack Taylor and Jarrod Slade in Cleverman. Early life and educationeditIain Glen was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, and educated at the Edinburgh Academy, an independent school for boys now co educational, followed by the University of Aberdeen. He then trained at RADA in London, where he won the Bancroft Gold Medal. In 1. 99. 0, Glen won the Silver Bear for Best Actor at the 4. Berlin International Film Festival for his role in Silent Scream. In the same year he was cast as Hamlet, Prince of Denmark in Tom Stoppards film adaptation of his play Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, which won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. He was nominated for an Olivier Award for his performance in The Blue Room opposite Nicole Kidman. It was announced in 2. Glen would star as Ser Jorah Mormont in the HBO series Game of Thrones. In 2. 01. 0, he played the role of Father Octavian, leader of a sect of clerics who were on a mission against the Weeping Angels in The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone, a two episode story which formed part of the fifth season of the revived television series Doctor Who. He appeared in the second series of Downton Abbey, as Sir Richard Carlisle, a tabloid publisher who is a suitor to, and subsequently engaged to, Lady Mary. From 2. 01. 0 to the present Glen has played the title character in the Irish TV crime series Jack Taylor adapted from the novels by Ken Bruen. In the 2. 01. 2 BBC drama series Prisoners Wives, he plays Paul, the husband of Francesca, whose comfortable life comes crashing down when he is imprisoned for drug trafficking. Also in 2. 01. 2, he starred in a new 4 part BBC Radio 4 adaptation of The Count of Monte Cristo, written by Sebastian Baczkiewicz, directed by Jeremy Mortimer and Sasha Yevtushenko. In 2. 01. 3, he played the lead in the new play Longing. From 6 December 2. January 2. 01. 4 Glen starred alongside Richard Mc. Cabe in Fortunes Fool at the Old Vic, directed by Lucy Bailey. He had been due to appear in the full run until 2. February 2. 01. 43 but was forced to withdraw early to recover from illness, with his role taken by his understudy Patrick Cremin and then by William Houston who joined the cast about the same time as Glens departure. In 2. Glen provided the voiceover for a Vauxhall Mokka advertisement. Glen is the younger brother of Hamish Glen, artistic director of the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry, and former artistic director of the Dundee Repertory Theatre. He was married to Susannah Harker from 1. Finlay born 1. 99. His partner is now actress Charlotte Emmerson, and they have two daughters Mary born September 2. Juliet born 2. 01. FilmographyeditTelevisioneditSelected theatreeditEdward II, Royal Exchange, Manchester 1. The Man Who Had All the Luck. Bristol Old Vic 1. Hamlet, Bristol Old Vic, 1. Macbeth 1. 99. 3Henry V 1. Martin Guerre 1. The Blue Room 1. A Streetcar Named Desire 2. Hedda Gabler 2. 00. The Crucible 2. 00. Scenes of a Marriage 2. Wallenstein 2. 00. Minerva Theatre, Chichester title role. Separate Tables 2. Mr Martin and Major Pollock Chichester Festival Theatre. Ghosts 2. 01. 0 also directed. Uncle Vanya, The Print Room, 2. Fortunes Fool, The Old Vic, 2. The Seagull. Here. King Lear. Coriolanus. She Stoops to Conquer. Hapgood. Road. Small Engine Repair. The Recruiting Officer. Awards and nominationseditReferenceseditExternal linksedit. Texarkana Gazette Texarkana Breaking News.