Avatar Korra The Avatar must experience sadness, anger, joy, and happiness. By feeling all these emotions, it helps you understand how precious human life is, so you will do anything to protect it. Avatar Legend Of Korra Season 4 Episode 8' title='Avatar Legend Of Korra Season 4 Episode 8' />As the only physical being with the ability to bend all four elements, it is considered the Avatars duty to master the four bending arts and use that power to keep balance among the four nations of the world, as well as between mankind and spirits. Upon death, the Avatar Spirit causes the Avatar to reincarnate into the next nation, dictated by the cyclic order fire, air, water, and earth. Mirroring the order in which the first Avatar, Wan, learned the elements, this is also the traditional order in which any one incarnation is to master the elements, beginning with the bending art of the Avatars birth nation. The reincarnation cycle can only be broken if the Avatar is killed while in the Avatar State, Raava is removed from the Avatar and destroyed, or the Avatar Spirit is compromised by a spiritual infection. After the Harmonic Convergence in 1. AG, however, Avatar Korra left the spirit portals open and renounced her role as the bridge between the two worlds to let humans and spirits live together in harmony. The Avatar is also capable of recalling memories from past lives. This ability, however, can be injured or even completely severed. Avatar Aang unintentionally weakened his connection to all his past lives who came before Avatar Roku when he broke off his relationship with the Fire Nation Avatar. When Raava was ripped out of Avatar Korra by Vaatu and subsequently destroyed. Among the Air Nomads, this involved presenting infants with a selection of toys and watching for a child that selected the exact four that had belonged to past Avatars, called the Avatar relics. Traditionally, the child is told of their identity as the Avatar on their sixteenth birthday, though Avatar Aang was told at age twelve, in fear of an impending war due to the Fire Nations growing aggression. Avatar Aang learned it from the last living lion turtle and used it to remove Phoenix King. Ozais firebending, ending the Hundred Year War. He later used it to end Yakones reign of terror in Republic City by stripping him of his waterbending. Aang used this ability to restore her bending and she likewise did the same for Lin Beifong and many other victims of Amons unique technique. Over the course of the two years following his banishment, Wan befriended the spirits, honed his firebending skills, and decided to travel the world to find the other lion turtle cities. During his journey, Wan encountered Raava, the spirit of light and peace, fighting against Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and chaos. Unaware of Vaatus identity at the time, Wan was tricked by the dark spirit into separating him from Raava, releasing darkness and chaos into the world. Wishing to fix his mistake, Wan journeyed with Raava in search of other lion turtles for the purpose of gaining the elements of air, water, and earth and learning how to master them. About a year later, during their fight against Vaatu at the time of the Harmonic Convergence, Wan merged permanently with Raava, becoming the first Avatar and gaining the ability to bend all four elements at once. After he sealed away the dark spirit in the Tree of Time, Wan oversaw the departure of the spirits to their own world and closed the two portals to the Spirit World, so that no human would be able to physically travel there and risk Vaatus escape. Wan took on the task of being the bridge between the two worlds, maintaining balance and peace. Years later, Raava assured a dying Wan that they would be together throughout all his lifetimes, heralding the beginning of the Avatar Cycle and ensuring the continuation of the Avatars role as peacekeeper of both worlds. During the battle, Vaatu was able to reach out of Unalaq and rip Raava out of Korras body. Unalaq destroyed the light spirit, which severed Korras connection to her past lives and ended the Avatar Cycle. A Fairly Odd Movie: Grow Up, Timmy Turner! Movie Watch Online on this page. As a means of connecting with the cosmic energy of the universe, Korra meditated in the Tree of Time and was able to bend her own energy to release an astral projection of herself to battle Unalaq. With help from Jinora, who sped up Raavas growth within Vaatu, Korra managed to extract the light spirit from her dark counterpart and defeat Unalaq with his own pacification technique, purifying and dissipating the Dark Avatar. Latest Episodes. The recent episodes of Book 4 of the Legend of Korra are available here on the site. Follow the links to watch Chapter 10 Operation Beifong. Returning to the Spirit World, Korra and Raava used the spiritual energy from the overlap of the spirit portals to fuse, seconds before the end of Harmonic Convergence. Although her Avatar Spirit had returned to her, Korra could no longer connect with her past lives. After deciding to keep the spirit portals open, Korra declared that the Avatar would no longer be the bridge between worlds, but she would continue to use Raavas light spirit to guide the world toward peace. We will be together for all of your lifetimes, and we will never give up. For example, Avatar Yangchen, an Air Nomad, was reincarnated as Avatar Kuruk from the Northern Water Tribe, followed by Avatar Kyoshi from the Earth Kingdom, and Avatar Roku from the Fire Nation. The nation into which the Avatar is born identifies the first element that is to be mastered, often prior to the bender being revealed as the Avatar. Watch Deep Web Online Full Movie. Watch Avatar Legend Of Korra Season 4 Episode 8' title='Watch Avatar Legend Of Korra Season 4 Episode 8' />For instance, an Avatar born into the Water Tribes first learns waterbending, before attempting to master the three remaining bending disciplines in the order of the cycle earthbending, firebending, and finally airbending. Due to his unique situation, however, Avatar Aang tried to learn fire as his second element under the tutelage of Jeong Jeong, who originally objected because of the cycle. Aang did learn to create fire, but he did not have the spiritual maturity to control it well enough, and after Jeong Jeongs camp was attacked by Zhao, Aangs firebending training ended. He eventually learned to bend the element under Zukos tutelage, after learning the other elements in their proper sequence. This element can be difficult to learn, sometimes proving impossible to control until faced with a situation in which the Avatar is forced to reach within and manifest the power. Although it is often the opposing element to the one of the Avatars birth nation, this is not always the case. Avatar Roku found mastering waterbending particularly difficult, and earthbending was difficult for Avatar Aang due his predisposition to indirectly engage in combat and evade problems as often as possible. Despite being a native waterbender, Korra actually favored her opposite element and instead found mastering airbending the most challenging due to her brash and direct nature, contrary to airbendings philosophy of contemplation, measured action, and avoidance of conflict. Avatar Aang first demonstrated this ability while stranded in the desert, when he bent water from a cloud into Kataras water pouch while flying with airbending at the same time. The compression of the elements provided Aang with materials for bending all four elements without sacrificing too much agility and speed, thus making this an extremely dangerous attack both defensively and offensively. The elemental sphere is also used to subdue enemies, especially strong spirits, such as Vaatu. This can be done directly through deliberate meditation in order to connect with a specific past Avatar, as demonstrated when Korra meditated in order to connect with Aang and relive Yakones trial. This was demonstrated by Aang when he recognized Roku upon seeing his statue, despite not knowing what he looked like. In this case, the summoned Avatar will temporarily replace the appearance and abilities of the current incarnation, as demonstrated by Roku, who took over Aangs body to burn down the Fire Temple. This connection can temporarily be restored by participating in certain traditions such as Yangchens Festival, which can act as a conduit for communication.