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B63' alt='Watch Alleged Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch Alleged Online Hollywoodreporter' />Horowitz also founded the organization Students for Academic Freedom. Horowitz has written several books with author Peter Collier, including four on prominent 2. American political families that had members elected to the presidency. He and Collier have collaborated on books about current cultural criticism. The Hobbit is a film series consisting of three high fantasy adventure films directed by Peter Jackson. They are based on the 1937 novel The Hobbit by J. R. R. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. Live Feed, a Hollywood entertainment news blog, covers breaking television show news and provides TV Nielsen ratings analysis. G4uAVZmWq3g/0.jpg' alt='Watch Alleged Online Hollywoodreporter' title='Watch Alleged Online Hollywoodreporter' />Horowitz has also worked as a columnist for Salon. Its then editor Joan Walsh described him as a conservative provocateur. From 1. Horowitz was an outspoken adherent of the New Left. He later rejected liberal and progressive ideas completely and has since become a proponent of conservatism. Horowitz has recounted his ideological journey in a series of retrospective books, culminating with his 1. Radical Son A Generational Odyssey. Family backgroundeditHorowitz is the son of Phil and Blanche Horowitz, who were high school teachers. His father taught English and his mother taught stenography. During years of labor organizing and the Great Depression, Phil and Blanche Horowitz were long standing members of the American Communist Party and strong supporters of Joseph Stalin. They left the party after Khrushchev published his report in 1. Stalin committed and terrorism of the Soviet populations. According to Horowitz Underneath the ordinary surfaces of their lives, my parents and their friends thought of themselves as secret agents. The mission they had undertaken, and about which they could not speak freely except with each other, was not just an idea to them. It was more important to their sense of themselves than anything else they did. Nor were its tasks of a kind they could attend or ignore, depending on their moods. They were more like the obligations of a religious faith. Except that their faith was secular, and the millennium they awaited was being instituted, at that moment, in the very country that had become Americas enemy. It was this fact that made their ordinary lives precarious and their secrecy necessary. If they lived under a cloud of suspicion, it was the result of more than just their political passions. The dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima had created a terror in the minds of ordinary people. Newspapers reported on American spy rings working to steal atomic secrets for the Soviet state. When people read these stories, they inevitably thought of progressives like us. And so did we ourselves. Even if we never encountered a Soviet agent or engaged in a single illegal act, each of us knew that our commitment to socialism implied the obligation to commit treason, too. After the death of Stalin in 1. Phil Horowitz, commenting on how Stalins numerous official titles had to be divided among his successors, told his son, You see what a genius Stalin was. It took five men to replace him. According to Horowitz The publication of the Khrushchev Report was probably the greatest blow struck against the Soviet Empire during the Cold War When my parents and their friends opened the morning Times and read its text, their world collapsedand along with it their will to struggle. If the document was true, almost everything they had said and believed was false. Their secret mission had led them into waters so deep that its tide had overwhelmed them, taking with it the very meaning of their lives. Horowitz received a BA from Columbia University in 1. English, and a masters degree in English literature at University of California, Berkeley. Career with the New LefteditAfter completing his graduate degree in the late 1. Horowitz lived in London and worked for the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. He identified as a serious Marxist intellectual. In 1. 96. 6, Ralph Schoenman persuaded Bertrand Russell to convene a war crimes tribunal to judge United States involvement in the Vietnam War. Horowitz would write three decades later that he had political reservations about the tribunal and did not take part. He described the tribunals judges as formidable, world famous and radical, including Isaac Deutscher, Jean Paul Sartre, Stokely Carmichael, Simone de Beauvoir, James Baldwin, and Vladimir Dedijer. While in London, Horowitz became a close friend of Deutscher, and wrote a biography of him which was published in 1. Horowitz wrote The Free World Colossus A Critique of American Foreign Policy in the Cold War. In January 1. 96. Horowitz returned to the United States, where he became co editor of the New Left magazine Ramparts, based in northern California. During the early 1. Horowitz developed a close friendship with Huey P. Newton, founder of the Black Panther Party. Horowitz later portrayed Newton as equal parts gangster, terrorist, intellectual, and media celebrity. As part of their work together, Horowitz helped raise money for, and assisted the Panthers with, the running of a school for poor children in Oakland. He recommended that Newton hire Betty Van Patter as bookkeeper she was then working for Ramparts. In December 1. 97. Van Patters body was found floating in San Francisco Harbor she had been murdered. Horowitz has said he believes the Panthers were behind the killing. In 1. 97. 6, Horowitz was a founding sponsor of James Weinsteins magazine In These Times. Writing on the RighteditFollowing this period, Horowitz rejected Karl Marx and socialism, but kept quiet about his changing politics for nearly a decade. In early 1. 98. 5, Horowitz and longtime collaborator Peter Collier, who also became a political conservative, wrote an article for The Washington Post Magazine entitled Lefties for Reagan, later retitled as Goodbye to All That. The article explained their change of views and recent decision to vote for a second term for Republican President Ronald Reagan. The Professionals Online Putlocker more. In 1. 98. 6, Horowitz published Why I Am No Longer a Leftist in The Village Voice. In 1. 98. 7, Horowitz co hosted a Second Thoughts Conference in Washington, D. C., described by Sidney Blumenthal in The Washington Post as his coming out as a conservative. According to attendee Alexander Cockburn, Horowitz related how his Stalinist parents had not permitted him or his sister to watch the popular Doris Day and Rock Hudson movies of his youth.