Even Stevens Season 2 Episode 13 A Very Scary Story' title='Even Stevens Season 2 Episode 13 A Very Scary Story' />Get the latest slate of new MTV Shows Jersey Shore, Teen Wolf, Teen Mom and reality TV classics such as Punkd and The Hills. Visit MTV. com to get the latest episodes. A few hours before Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals, San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich shared some characteristically witty thoughts on subjects ranging. Even though the events of season three are extremely serious, there are still some great moments of comedy in this season. Do you have a favorite Latest Stories. Game of Thrones Final Season Might Not Air Until 2019 This is a bummer CancerFree Kassie DePaiva Will Be Returning to Days of Our Lives DePaiva. Directed by Robert Stevens. With Alfred Hitchcock, Robert Culp, Stubby Kaye, Elliott Reid. The husband of a successful actress, thought for years to be dead, suddenly. The 100 Greatest Television Episodes of All Time An Ongoing List by Stephen Bowie. Lists, lists, lists. Bestof compilations are often nothing more than reductive. Gregg Popovich Offers Yet Another Eloquent Criticism Of Donald Trump. A few hours before Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals, San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich shared some characteristically witty thoughts on subjects ranging from the play of Patty Mills the more good things I say about him, the more were going to have to pay him to whether he watched Saturday Night Live I was on my third dinner. He also took a few moments to critique the behavior of President Donald Trump, who fired FBI Director James Comey this week. Popovich said that Trump is in a game show and dangerous to our institutions and what we all stand for and what we expect the country to be Popovich has criticized Trump in the past, calling out his lack of maturity and xenophobic, homophobic, racist, misogynistic record. Futurama Wikipedia. Futurama is an American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series follows the adventures of a late 2. New York City pizza delivery boy, Philip J. Fry, who, after being unwittingly cryogenically frozen for one thousand years, finds employment at Planet Express, an interplanetary delivery company in the retro futuristic 3. The series was envisioned by Groening in the mid 1. The Simpsons he later brought David X. Season 1, Episode 2 The First Cut Is the Deepest 3 April 2005 A rape victim is admitted, who managed to hold onto part of her attacker Izzie has difficulty with a. Cohen aboard to develop storylines and characters to pitch the show to Fox. In the United States, the series aired on Fox from March 2. August 1. 0, 2. 00. Futurama also aired in reruns on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim from 2. It was revived in 2. Comedy Central entered into an agreement with 2. Century Fox Television to syndicate the existing episodes and air the films as 1. The series finale aired on September 4, 2. Cohen stated that the episode. The show has been nominated for 1. Annie Awards and 1. Emmy Awards, winning seven of the former and six of the latter. It has also been nominated four times for a Writers Guild of America Award, winning two for the episodes. In 2. 01. 3, TV Guide ranked Futurama as one of the top 6. Greatest TV Cartoons of All Time. In 1. 99. 6, he enlisted David X. Cohen, then a writer and producer for The Simpsons, to assist in developing the show. The two spent time researching science fiction books, television shows, and films. When they pitched the series to Fox in April 1. Groening and Cohen had composed many characters and story lines Groening claimed they had gone. Immediately after, however, Fox feared the themes of the show were not suitable for the network and Groening and Fox executives argued over whether the network would have any creative input into the show. Designed by Norman Bel Geddes, the Futurama pavilion depicted how he imagined the world would look in 1. Ken Keeler became an executive producer for Season 4 and subsequent seasons. Writing. A single staff writer writes an outline and then produces a script. Once the first draft of a script is finished, the writers and executive producers called in the actors for a table read. Series writer Patric M. Verrone stated,. Billy West performed the voices of Philip J. Fry, Professor Farnsworth, Doctor Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan and many other incidental characters. West auditioned for. West claims that the voice of Fry is deliberately modeled on his own, so as to make it difficult for another person to replicate the voice. Due to Hartmans death, West was given the role. West states that his version of Zapp Brannigan was an imitation of Hartman and also. The role of Leela was originally assigned to Nicole Sullivan. Bender was the most difficult character to cast, as the shows creators had not decided what a robot should sound like. Lauren Tom voiced Amy Wong, and Tress Mac. Neille voices Mom and various other characters. Maurice La. Marche voices Kif Kroker and several supporting characters. La. Marche won the Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice Over Performance in 2. Lrrr and Orson Welles in the episode. During seasons 14, La. Marche is billed as supporting cast and Tom, La. Marr and Herman billed as guest stars, despite appearing in most episodes. La. Marche was promoted to main cast and Tom, La. Marr and Herman to supporting cast in Season 5, and promoted again to main cast in Season 6. Main cast members. Billy West. Katey Sagal. John Di. Maggio. Tress Mac. Neille. Maurice La. Marche. Lauren Tom. Phil La. Marr. David Herman. Philip Fry, Professor Farnsworth, Doctor Zoidberg, Zapp Brannigan, various. Leela. Bender, various. Mom, various. Kif Kroker, various. Amy Wong, various. Hermes Conrad, various. Scruffy, various. In addition to the main cast, Frank Welker voiced Nibbler and Kath Soucie voiced Cubert and several supporting and minor characters. Like The Simpsons, many episodes of Futurama feature guest voices from a wide range of professions, including actors, entertainers, bands, musicians, and scientists. Many guest stars voiced supporting characters, although many voiced themselves, usually as their own head preserved in a jar. Recurring guest stars included Dawnn Lewis as Hermes wife La. Barbara, Tom Kenny, Dan Castellaneta as the Robot Devil, Al Gore, and George Takei, among others. Animation. The studio would receive the completed script of an episode and create a storyboard consisting over 1. It would then produce a pencil drawn animatic with 1. Rough Drafts sister studio in South Korea would render the 3. The opening sequence was entirely rendered in CGI. The CGI was rendered at 2. CGI characters looked slightly different due to spatially. Power. Animator was used to draw the comic like CGI. The opening sequence was re rendered and scaled to adapt to the shows transition to 1. For the final episode of season 6, Futurama was completely reanimated in three different styles the first segment of the episode features black and white Fleischer and Walter Lantz style animation, the second was drawn in the style of a low resolution video game, and the final segment was in the style of Japanese anime. The Fox network disagreed, opting instead to show two episodes in the Sunday night lineup before moving the show to a regular time slot on Tuesday. This erratic schedule resulted in Fox not airing several episodes that had been produced for seasons three and four, instead holding them over for a fifth broadcast season. According to Groening, Fox executives were not supporters of the show. The run on Adult Swim revived interest in both series, and when Family Guy found success in direct to DVD productions, Futuramas producers decided to try the same. In 2. 00. 6, it was announced that four straight to DVD films would be produced, and later split into 1. However, Groening had expressed a desire to continue the franchise in some form, including as a theatrical film. Were having discussions and there is some enthusiasm but I cant tell if its just me. I cant guarantee it will be 2. But I think theres a pretty good chance itll be exactly 2. Fox has been a little bit cagey about it, even internally. But nobodys too concerned. Were plunging ahead. Broadcast of old episodes began in September 2. I just hold out hope for it because it has such a huge fan base, its such a smart show, and why wouldnt somebody want to keep making that show so thats my thought, Im just in denial that its over. Sagal also mentioned during the same interview that Groening told her at Comic Con that. Ti Family Hustle Season 1 Episode 1. It originally aired during the twenty sixth season of The Simpsons on November 9, 2. Comedy Central. Fry Billy West Fry is an immature, slovenly, yet good hearted and sentimental pizza delivery boy who falls into a cryogenic pod, causing it to activate and freeze him just after midnight on January 1, 2. He reawakens on New Years Eve of 2. Planet Express, a company owned by his only living relative, Professor Hubert J. Frys love for Leela is a recurring theme throughout the series. Turanga Leela Katey Sagal Leela is the competent, one eyed captain of the Planet Express Ship. She is Frys primary love interest and eventually becomes his wife. Her name is a reference to the Turangal. He is originally programmed to bend girders for suicide booths, and is later designated as assistant sales manager and cook, despite lacking a sense of taste. He is Frys best friend and roommate. He must drink heavily to power his fuel cells and becomes the human equivalent of drunk when low on alcohol. Farnsworth Billy West Professor Farnsworth, also known simply as. Although he is depicted as a brilliant scientist and inventor, at more than one hundred and sixty years old he is extremely prone to age related forgetfulness and fits of temper. In the episode. Zoidberg Billy West Zoidberg is a lobster like alien from the planet Decapod 1.