Star Wars The Clone Wars filmStar Wars The Clone Wars is a 2. American 3. D animatedscience fiction space opera film that takes place within the Star Wars saga, leading into a TV series of the same name produced by Lucasfilm Animation. The film is set during the three year time period between the films Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones 2. Star Wars The Clone Wars Series 4 Episode 7' title='Star Wars The Clone Wars Series 4 Episode 7' />Star Wars The Clone Wars is a 2008 American 3D animated science fictionspace opera film that takes place within the Star Wars saga, leading into a TV series of the. Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith 2. Distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, which also holds the home media distribution rights to both this film and the first five seasons of the television series, the film premiered on August 1. Graumans Egyptian Theatre, while screening in wide release on August 1. Australia, and August 1. United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. The Clone Wars served as an introduction to the television series of the same name, which debuted on October 3, 2. The film received negative reviews from critics, and grossed 6. If youve never seen Star Wars The Clone Wars, there is never a better time to start. One of the primary concerns I had when placing this order was, how badly. During the Clone Wars, Jedi Knights. Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi lead a small Republicclone army against the Separatist droid army on the planet Christophsis. Awaiting reinforcements, the two Jedi greet a shuttle carrying the young Jedi Ahsoka Tano, who insists that she has been assigned by Jedi Master Yoda to serve as Anakins Padawan. Anakin begrudgingly accepts Ahsokas apprenticeship, and the two succeed in deactivating the Separatists energy field while Obi Wan stalls the droid army commander, allowing a Republic victory. Ahsoka earns Anakins respect. Watch Human Trafficking Online Free 2016. Following the battle, Yoda arrives and informs the Jedi that crime lord Jabba the Hutts son Rotta has been kidnapped. Anakin and Ahsoka are tasked with retrieving the Huttlet, while Obi Wan is sent to Tatooine to negotiate with Jabba over a potential treaty between the Hutts and the Republic. Anakin and Ahsoka find Rotta on the planet Teth, where they are ambushed by Separatist forces led by Count Dookus apprentice Asajj Ventress, discovering that Dooku hopes to frame the Jedi for Rottas kidnapping. The Jedi manage to escape the trap along with R2 D2 and hijack a derelict transport with which they travel to Tatooine. Obi Wan, alerted by Anakin, arrives on Teth and defeats Ventress in a lightsaber duel, though she manages to escape. Meanwhile, Senator Padm. She decides to contact Jabbas uncle Ziro in Coruscant. The Hutt refuses to cooperate, apparently believing that it is the Jedi who are responsible for the situation. However, Padm. Anakin devises a ruse to confront Dooku while carrying a decoy Rotta, leaving Ahsoka to take the real Rotta to Jabbas palace. While Anakin fights off Dooku, Ahsoka is ambushed by the Magna. Guards, whom she defeats. The two deliver Rotta safely to Jabba, who nonetheless orders the Jedis execution for their supposed attempt to kidnap him. However, Padm. Acknowledging the Jedis heroism and allowing the Republic to have Ziro punished for his betrayal, Jabba agrees to the Republic treaty while Anakin and Ahsoka are retrieved by Obi Wan and Yoda. In the meantime during his escape, Dooku reports to his master Darth Sidious about the failure of their plot against the Jedi and Jabba, but the Sith Lord assures to him that the tide of war is still in their favor. Production. At a Cartoon Network hosted discussion, Lucas said he did not want the Clones Wars film or television series to look like such movies as Beowulf, because he wanted a stylized look rather than a realistic one. He also felt it should not look like the popular Pixar movies such as The Incredibles, because he wanted the film and characters to have its own unique style. Essentially, it. Jackson, returned to vocally reprise their roles of their respective characters. The disc begins with the main theme by John Williams, followed by more than 3. Kiner. The soundtrack uses some instruments never heard before in a Star Wars score, including erhus, duduks and ouds. Hasbro released several 3 3. Two of the Toys. A section of the Toys. When questioned by The New York Times about Star Wars merchandising in July 2. Pepsi spokesperson was unaware a new Star Wars film was even being released. Target and KB Toys also devoted shelf space for Clone Wars toys, but did not hold midnight releases or pursue the branding opportunities Toys. On August 1. 5, Mc. Donalds held its first ever Happy Meal promotion for a Star Wars film and for four weeks, 1. Happy Meal boxes. Randy Stradley, vice president of publishing for Dark Horse, said the sudden decision to release the Clone Wars film required the company to temporarily delay plans for two other Star Wars comic book series, Dark Times and Rebellion. The Clone Wars comics did not receive the promotional campaign it otherwise would have due to the abruptness of the theatrical and comic book releases. Also released was the Clone Wars The Visual Guide, published by DK, and Star Wars The Clone Wars in the UK, published by Puffin and in the U. S. The publishers also released a storybook, picture books and an activity book. The player includes one gigabyte of memory, which holds 2. Yoda and a lightsaber on it, a silver one with Captain Rex and a Galactic Empire logo on it, and one with two Clone troopers on Coruscant. One review claimed it improved upon a Darth Vader MP3 player released in July 2. The speaker includes an image of Captain Rex and three other Clone Troopers. The 2. 6 car, which also included Blockbuster Inc. Andretti said,. It premiered as an Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull car at the Indianapolis 5. May 2. 00. 8. The standard definition versions include the film in widescreen format with Dolby Digital 5. Surround EX sound, and with feature length audio commentary. The sites critical consensus reads. What wears you out is Lucas immersion in a Star Wars cosmology that has grown so obsessive compulsively cluttered yet trivial that its no longer escapism Because this movie has bad lightsaber duels and the lack of the original cast, its something you want to escape from. The same reviews were re posted on the site, on the day of the films release. The retraction prompted some readers to allege a conspiracy by Lucasfilm to keep negative press out of circulation until the release of the film, but although the review by site creator Harry Knowles was negative, Drew Mc. Weeny said that his review was positive and that no such conspiracy existed. The Clone Wars is to Star Wars what karaoke is to pop music. The Clone Wars actually IS that bad. Many criticized it as cheap, wooden, non engaging, and out of date. Fellman said,. We accomplished that mission, and it will continue in another medium. British Board of Film Classification. July 1. 8, 2. 00. Retrieved November 9, 2. Box Office Mojo. Archived from the original on August 2. Retrieved August 1. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved June 2. Starwarsblog. starwars. February 2. 3, 2. Retrieved June 1. Starwars. com. March 1. Retrieved June 1. Retrieved on November 1. Diane Garrett February 1. Retrieved March 2. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved May 1. 1, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Lupick, Travis. Retrieved on August 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Weprin, Alex. Broadcasting Cable, April 3, 2. Retrieved on August 1. Martinez, Kiko. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Geoff Boucher May 7, 2. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved May 1. 1, 2. July 9, 2. 00. 8. Retrieved June 1. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Star Wars The Clone Wars video games. Lucas. Arts. com. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Jordan, Jon. Retrieved on September 2, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Retrieved on September 3, 2. ASkyler. Retrieved on September 3, 2. Amazon. co. uk. Retrieved June 1. Amazon. co. uk. Retrieved June 1. Star. Wars. com. September 2. Retrieved June 1. Retrieved on June 2. Retrieved August 1. Aint It Cool News. Retrieved August 1. Retrieved on August 1. Ebert, Roger August 1. Chicago Sun Times. Retrieved August 1. Retrieved August 1.