Trek. Guide. com Star Trek Episode Guide. Star Trek Tng Episodes Season 1' title='Star Trek Tng Episodes Season 1' />Star Trek The Next Generation abbreviated as TNG and STTNG is an American science fiction television series in the Star Trek franchise created by Gene Roddenberry. A Must Have Guide To The Best Episodes Of All Time. What kind of fools would attempt to take over seven hundred hours of television spread out over five different series, review them and then distill them down to a list of the fifty best episodes Youre looking at them. Features a few shots of the ship. How big is it Copyright to Paramount. Buy Star Trek Voyager Season 1 Read 1426 Movies TV Reviews Amazon. Star Trek The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series which aired in syndication from September 1987 through May 1994. It is the second live. Star Trek Deep Space Nine was the third liveaction Star Trek series and entered production in. If you are reading the reviews of Star Trek The Next Generation Im going to assume you already like the show so I wont sell you on the merits of the series. EPIX Star Trek Fest George Takei on the Star Trek Cast. Superheroes, swimsuits, and female assassins await you in our Summer Movie Guide. Plan your season and take note of the hotly anticipated indie, foreign, and. What follows is Empires breakdown of the best that Star Trek has had to offer over the past half century. Engage Here is a list of our favourite Star Trek episodes counting down from the 5. So sit back and get comfortable this may take a while. Q Pid TNGJohn de Lancies Q is a recurring pain in the arse for the crew of the Enterprise, but no one can say he isnt any fun. This time, when Picard rejects his offer to help mend some fences with a lady friend, he transports a number of the crew to Sherwood Forest, planting them straight into a Robin Hood adventure. Standout moment An indignant Worf proclaiming,. Lower Decks TNGAs The Next Generation was winding down its television run, the writers decided to shift gears and focus on a group of junior officers, following them as they interact with the primary crew while vying for promotions. An entirely different, very welcome change of pace that proves hugely enjoyable despite a somewhat downbeat ending. Endgame VOYCut through all the technobabble and what youre left with is an intriguing tale of an older Admiral Janeway, 1. Voyagers return home, deciding to go back in time to help her younger self defeat the Borg and get her crew home from the Delta Quadrant before history unfolds the same way. Watch LEGO Batman: The Movie - DC Superheroes Unite Online Facebook. Its no All Good Things, but it wraps things up well and gives Kate Mulgrew a real chance to shine in dual roles. Hard Time DS9In what is a dark take on TNGs The Inner Light, OBrien is found guilty of espionage by an alien race that implants the memory of years of harsh imprisonment, which in reality lasted just a few hours. Much of the episode is focused on his trying to readjust to his normal life. A bravura performance by Colm Meaney who sells the trauma spectacularly. In A Mirror Darkly ENTOh, Enterprise, why did you wait so long to live up to your own potential This episode from the final season takes place in the Mirror Universe, serving as a sequel to season three of the original series The Tholian Web and a prequel to that shows Mirror, Mirror. Imaginative and most of all fun, its just unfortunate that executive producer Manny Coto couldnt tie the show further into the events of the 6. Sacrifice Of Angels DS9War brings a price, and the price paid on Deep Space Nine is very real. The conclusion of a six episode arc opening season six, its all about Sisko and his people reclaiming DS9 from the CardassianDominion alliance. Target Wwe Hall Of Fame Series 4 on this page. Tremendous action, espionage and yet another example collect them all of the way this series the consistently the best of the entire Trek franchise. Phage VOYExecutive producer Brannon Braga once said that Voyager should be The X Files of space, and this episode shows it meeting that potential. An alien race in the Delta Quadrant, suffering from an incurable disease, prolongs the life of its people by transporting vital organs out of unwilling donors and transplanting them. Its chilling as hell, yet by the end in true Star Trek fashion you somehow end up feeling sympathy for them. Balance Of Terror TOSThe Federations and our first look at the Romulans in what is essentially a submarine thriller in space. Mark Lenard who would go on to play Spocks father, Sarek is the Romulan commander who recognises many of his own traits in Kirk, finding him a worthy adversary. The exploration of bigotry the Romulans are an offshoot of Vulcans underpins a piece of television that manages to conjure genuine suspense as one commander attempts to outmaneuvre the other with only one possible outcome. Relics TNGJames Doohan reprises his original series role of Scotty in this Next Generation episode that sees Scott being rescued from the transporter of a long missing transport ship and having to adjust to life in the 2. Century. The focus is strongly on Doohan and Levar Burtons Geordi La. Forge, and serves as an effective exploration of ageism and the fight against obsolescence. One of Doohans finest turns as Scotty, and while its commonplace now even in fan films, seeing Picard walk through a recreation of the original 6. Arena TOSAn alien race forces Kirk to fight the lizard like Gorn, theoretically to the death, but the good captain refuses to carry out the fatal blow. By showing mercy, Kirk demonstrates the superiority of humanity, impressing the aliens and showing how far his race has come. It sounds simple, but the execution despite the now infamously bad Gorn costume is first rate. Amber Dhara Last Episode Watch Online on this page. The Offspring TNGIn what could unofficially be viewed as a sequel to the season two TNG episode The Measure Of A Man, Data creates an android. Moving on a number of levels, most notably watching Lal evolve in ways Data could never hope to as he fights to keep her free of Starfleets science division. Co star Jonathan Frakes made his directorial debut on this episode, paving the way to his taking on 1. First Contact. Past Tense DS9As conceived by Gene Roddenberry, Star Trek was supposed to take modern social issues and examine them through the prism of the future. Embracing that philosophy, the writers of Deep Space Nine took on Los Angeles growing homeless problem and postulated a frightening future through DS9s past in which the homeless are herded into city sectors and all but abandoned there. Avery Brooks Sisko finds himself having to step into history to make sure the time stream stays on course. Datalore TNGNot everything in season one of The Next Generation felt like a retread of what had boldly gone before. Datas brother, an early model named Lore, shows up and Brent Spiner does a stand up job portraying two very different versions of his character. Not dissimilar to the originals The Enemy Within. Broken Bow ENTEnterprise comes out of the gate swinging with this two hour premiere that efficiently sets up the series and establishes that the early stages of Starfleet were very different from what it would ultimately become. The promise of the show is nicely set up disastrous theme song notwithstanding, but, sadly, it would seldom live unto it. The Andorian Incident ENTThe blue skinned Andorians return for the first time since the original series and score in a big way. The plot about a secret Vulcan plot against them is interesting, but what crackles is the instant chemistry between Jeffrey Combs Weyoun on DS9 Shran and Scott Bakulas Captain Archer. Its a relationship that would serve Enterprise well for many episodes to come. Little Green Men DS9. Now we know what went on in Roswell, New Mexico in 1. A trio of Ferengi and a shapeshifter crash landed in the desert and threw members of the US government into disarray. Deep Space Nine goes full out comedy in what is this series equivalent of The Trouble With Tribbles aside from the episode that actually re visits the Tribble episode, that is, but more on that later. I, Borg TNGWhen a member of the Borg, eventually given the name Hugh, breaks away from the collective, it raises issues of whether or not genocide to be accomplished by infecting Hugh and returning him into the collective for the greater good is warranted. Seriously, when is genocide a good idea Duet DS9A highlight of Deep Space Nines first Season, and essentially a two person drama between Nana Visitors Kira Nerys and guest star Harris Yulin as the Cardassian war criminal Marritza. Amazing back and forth moments between the actors, and riveting in the revelations that arise. Times Arrow TNGAn audacious adventure that begins with the discovery of Datas head among relics from 1. Century San Francisco and goes on to include aliens sucking the life force out of humans in the past, time travel, Whoopi Goldbergs Guinan and Mark Twain.