Drama My Love From The Star English title You Who Came From the Stars literal title Revised romanization Byeoleseo On Geudae Hangul Account Options. Sign in Search settings Web History. Women and Gender Studies Videotapes in the Media Resources Center UCBAll Different, All Equal. Examines gains in womens rights globally with visits to Northern Ireland, Nigeria, Fiji, New Zealand, Brazil and other nations focusing on crimes against women and achievements by women towards equality. VideoC 7. 77. 1Amy Amy Johnson was the first woman to fly solo from Great Britain to Australia. Mulvey and Wollens experimental documentary combines newsreel footage of the aviators arrival, dramatic recreations of events from her life and contemporary discussions by feminist groups on the subject of heroism in this most unconventional biopic. DVD 7. 90. 5Women Make Movies catalog description. Annie Oakley Annie Oakley, the greatest woman rifle shot the world has ever known thrilled audiences of Buffalo Bills Wild West Show with her daring shooting feats. A champion in a mans sport, over time she became an American legend forever changing ideas about the abilities of women. Includes archival images and commentary by biographers and historians. DVD 5. 61. 6Annie Sprinkles Herstory of Porn Using film clips and narration, Annie Sprinkle presents a 2. Features rare 7. XXX and more. Linda Williams, film scholar at UC Berkeley, shares her wisdom on a separate track. This film includes over 7. Amber Dhara Last Episode Watch Online' title='Amber Dhara Last Episode Watch Online' />Women and Gender Studies Videotapes in the Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley. Top Searched Latest Mp3 Songs gane aamir khan badtmeez dil dafli wale dafli baja dum hi kai po che Malla vasthava janaki balam pichkari full song Dil ma Ty ok. I NOMI E COGNOMI DEGLI ITALIANI E LA LORO STORIA Tutti i nomi e cognomi in ordine alfabetico e relative informazioni Le pagine sono in lavorazione, tuttavia se. XXX stars. 1. 97. Special feature. Passionless Moments is a series of ten short, whimsical films portraying the inner world of ordinary people. A Girls Own Story concerns girlhood, Beatlemania, and growing up in the sixties. Amber Dhara Last Episode Watch Online' title='Amber Dhara Last Episode Watch Online' />VideoC 3. Women Make Movies catalog description. A Century of Quilts America in Cloth. Celebrates the powerful stories behind quilt making from three perspectives records of history, symbols of familycommunity, and works of art. Features quilts from major American quilt shows in Paducah, Kentucky, and Houston. VideoC 3. 32. 8Concerning Women. VideoC 3. 13. 8Crisis of Perfect Propriety. VideoC 7. 2Daughter Rite. An experimental film that explores the relationships between mothers and their adult daughters. This classic illustrates the missing link between the direct cinema documentaries and the later hybrids that acknowledged truth couldnt always be found in front of a camera lens. Scandalous in its day for bending the rules of representation to enlighten its audience. DVD 8. 45. 6 vhs VideoC 3. Women Make Movies catalog description Citron, Michelle. Minneapolis University of Minnesota Press, c. Berkeley University of California Press, c. Main Stack PN1. 99. M7. 1 Library has v. Dear Lisa A Letter to My Sister. A film by J Clements. Dist. New Day Films. VideoC 3. 11. 6Desire. Nearly a decade in the making, this refreshingly honest film documents the challenges and desires of a group of young women in New Orleans by letting them film their own stories. As this diverse group of young women two teenagers from the Desire housing projects, a single mother from the working class suburb of Belle Chase across the river, and two girls from the most prestigious private high school in New Orleans make short films about their own desires, this provocative film records the intimate dramas of their changing lives. DVD 7. 97. 6Description from Women Make Movies catalog. Evening the Odds Is Title IX Working In 1. Title IX was established, a civil rights act that prohibits gender discrimination at any school that receives federal funds. In this program, Elizabeth Brackett of WTTS in Chicago, goes to Indian University alma mater of Olympic diving medalists Lesley Bush and Cynthia Potter in an investigation of higher educations Title IX track record in the area of sports. Although Indiana University is working diligently to meet Title IX conditions by creating new athletics programs and spreading out scholarship dollars, only seven Division 1 schools have met the Title IX standards for gender equity. Dist. Films Media Group. VideoC 6. 89. 5Female Misbehavior. Paglia c. 19. 92 Annie c. Bondage c. 19. 838. Max c. 19. 92 Didnt do it for love c. One feature length and four short films exploring the outer limits of female sexuality and behaviour. Pagilia features a confrontational interview with the author of Sexual Personae Camille Paglia. Annie is an inside look at Annie Sprinkle, porn star, performance artist and sexual diva. Bondage centers on an S M practitioner, Carol, and her use of pain as pleasure. Max is the story of a transexuals journey from female to male. The feature length film Didnt do it for love explores the fascinating life of Eva Norvind, the blond Norwegian bombshell who was Mexicos Marilyn Monroe in the 1. New Yorks leading dominatrix in the 1. Directed by Monika Treut. DVD 6. 79. 3 5 Girls. Follows five young teenage girls going to schools in Chicago. Looks at their family life, their behavior at home and school, and their friendships and other relationships. VideoC 8. 41. 1The Flapper Story. Producerdirectorscreenwriter, Lauren Lazin. Cinema Guild. VideoC 2. Flappers The Birth of the 2. Century Woman Using vibrant archival film clips and interviews with women who came of age during the Roaring 2. Britain, this program chronicles the emergence of the modern woman in the aftermath of World War I. Dist. Films Media Group. DVD X5. 87. 0 Gender and Communication Male Female Differences in Language and Nonverbal Behavior Explores male female differences in communication and the impact that gender has on both verbal messages including speech, language, and vocabulary, as well as on nonverbal channels of communication such as touch, movement, and gesture. DVD 8. 34. 3 vhs VideoC 9. Berkeley Media LLC catalog description. Girl Hood. Shanae was ten when she was gang raped she responded by drinking and drugging, and by age 1. Megan ran way from ten different foster homes before being arrested on assault charges. Both came to the Waxter Juvenile Facility in Maryland. Follow these two girls for three years, as they try to make a life for themselves both inside and outside of Baltimores juvenile justice system. Originally produced in 2. DVD 5. 28. 2 Girls Like Us. Watch Online Watch Unlocked Full Movie Online Film. An ethnically diverse group of four working class girls strut, flirt and testify about their lives. Filmed in South Philadelphia over a period of four years and following its protaganists from age 1. Producersdirectors, Jane C. Wagner, Tina Di. Feliciantonio. DVD 5. 89. 4 also vhs VideoC 5. Awards. Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Prize, Documentary. Women Make Movies catalog description James, Caryn. VideoC 2. 86. 3 Donaldson, E. The Gods of our FathersHuman Race 3. Film explores if human nature is unchanging and if there is anything natural or innate about male domination. The evolution of patriarchy as one effective way of organizing mass societies is examined from evidence found in ancient Egyptian villages along the Nile. It postulates that as the world changes, there will be a need to find alternatives to patriarchy. As they grapple with issues of school, family, friends and identity, the film allows viewers to see what real girls face during this pivotal time in puberty, while providing a vehicle for discussing important developmental milestones. Dist. New Day Films. DVD X1. 10. 1Growing Up Female. DVD X7. 05. 2 VideoC 2. Growing Up With the Self Image of American Girls. VideoC 4. 40. 6Grrlyshow. A documentary about girl zines and the small magazines known as zines created primarily by young women and girls, who share a strong feminist perspective. Explores the culture of zines and this new generation of young women who are taking control of a corner of the media pie by self publishing their own magazines. Dist. New Day Films. VideoC 1. 75. 6 Cohen, Martha J. DVD 7. 91. 0Women Make Movies catalog description. The Impossible Takes a Little Longer. Presents the stories of four highly accomplished, seriously disabled women whose sense of optimism, determination, self acceptance, and self worth have helped them cope with their handicaps.