LtB_T14Fs.jpeg' alt='Adventure Of Sinbad Season 2 Anime Brothers' title='Adventure Of Sinbad Season 2 Anime Brothers' />Top 1. Adventure Anime List. So sit on the couch and enjoy the long road ahead with good food and good companyAn anime adaption of Magi ran under the title Magi The Labyrinth of Magic from October 7, 2012 to March 31, 2013. The second season, entitled Magi The Kingdom of. Watch My Wife is the Student Council President Here at Honeys Anime, we are always trying to improve our articles to give our readers the best content imaginable. Our original Adventure List was written by the. Availability Information. Watch I Am Gangster Online. Experience the Berserk saga in a brand new game About the Show. Simulcast on Fridays. Writer. Author Nikki Flores. You may know me by my witty and excellent prose, but I assure you there is a real person underneath this brilliant exterior. An anime adaptation of Adventure of Sinbad has been released as 5 OVA episodes which were bundled together with manga volumes from third to seventh. Advanced Search at EnglishAnimes. Best site for streaming anime and cartoon free online in english dubbed. Adventure Of Sinbad Season 2 Anime NakaimoWatch anime online free english dubbed. Full english dubbed subbed free anime movies. Just select the anime from right. Youll see important info here. Star Trek Beyond Full Movie In English. OK GUYS FUCKING READ THAT WE GOT DMCA So YES things got deleted and were trying mainly DreamAs a graduate of Purdue University with a degree in English Literature and a minor in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, I traveled to Okinawa, Japan in search of the One Piece. Together my crew consisting of a white dog named Yuki, an evil cat named Kyubei, the wise feline Pickles, and my ever supportive husband Aaron, we travel the globe seeking lifes greatest treasures. Oh, and Im sure one day Ill eventually meet Trafalgar Law in the New World. The adventure genre paves way for many other genres linking in, to create a huge variety of experiences and visuals. Adventure anime also has a great perception of what it would be like to travel the world and discover new areas or lands that have never been seen before. Or, just plain ole being a wondering man, or woman. Illustrators in anime definitely have a talent conveying their imagination in the form of animation, which is the essential reason I love anime. So, get ready to discover anime in the most adventurous approach. Here are the Top 1. Adventure Anime Enjoy Samurai Champloo. Episodes 2. 6Aired May 2. Mar. 1. 9th, 2. 01. Samurai Champloo is about two individuals helping out woman in need, even though they never really intended to. One of the individuals is named Mugen, who is a strong, violent, and an ill mannered warrior. While the other, Jin, is a vagrant ronin who is well mannered, strong and very mysterious. They cross paths in an unexpected situation which has them facing off in battle and almost leading to their deaths. It just so happened that a girl named Fuu, intervenes and convinces the two to help her search for a mysterious samurai who smells of sunflowers. This begins one of the greatest adventures in anime, which involves love, trust, friendship, and courage. Follow the three loveable and hateful character as they cross the great lands of Japan. Katanagatari. Episodes 1. Aired Jan. 2. 6th, 2. Dec. 1. 1th, 2. 01. Katanagatari is one of the best anime series ever to be created. The series follows Yasuri Shichika who is the seventh successor of the Kyoto Ryu sword art and lives on an isolated island with his elder sister, Nanami. It all changes when a woman suddenly visits Shichika and asks for his aid in finding and collecting the final twelve swords that were forged by the legendary sword smith, Shikizaki Kiki. This begins the epic journey to find the legendary swords, which has Shichika leaving his the island he called home for over twenty years. On their adventure, they will face twelve different individuals in hopes of retrieving the legendary swords. Jo. Jos Bizarre Adventure. Episodes 2. 6Aired Oct. Apr. 6th, 2. 01. 3 Jo. Jos Bizarre Adventure is an adventurous tale of Jonathan Joestar in the early 1. England, where he finds himself in a bitter rivalry with his adopted brother Dio Brando. Dio is as low as you can go, only seeking fortune and power in any way possible. He first tries to sabotage Jo. Jos father by slowly killing him with poison. This is due to Dios extreme life as a child and wanting to achieve nothing more than reigning over all. Thats when he decides to seek out the supernatural powers of the ancient artifact that is in Joestars possession. This begins the adventurous journey of Jo. Jos grandson as he takes up his grandfathers mission while mastering the ability to to destroy the ancient stone mask and the creators of the who challenge humanity. The story is pretty epic, for sureMagi The Labyrinth of Magic. Episodes 2. 5Aired Oct. Mar. 3. 1st, 2. 01. This is a great anime series that has a wonderful take on the adventure genre. Magi The Labyrinth of Magic is about a traveling boy named Alibaba, who seeks to conquer an infamous dungeon and claim its treasures. Throughout the series, Alibaba is traveling long distances and meeting new friends along the way. Even when he and his new acquaintances have to part ways, Alibaba is still discovering himself and the fate that lies before him. No Game, No Life. Episodes 1. 2Aired Apr 9, 2. Jun 2. 5, 2. 01. 4 The story of this anime centers around two characters in the series, Shiro and Sora, who are brother and sister and are both intelligent NEETs. They are also hikikomori gamers who are living urban legends all over the internet, and they consider the world they live in as just another crappy game. Thats until theyre brought into a world where humanity is cornered in one city by all other races. Humanity seeks the help from Shiro and Sora to become their saviors in the alternate world. This series is full of adventure and is probably better that SAO, in my opinion. There isnt one second that I was bored or displeased with the outcome of certain situations in No Game, No Life. It was a great way to experience the adventures of a different world. One Piece. Episodes 6. Counting. Aired Oct. Ongoing This anime follows Monkey D. Luffy, a young teenager who defies the usual characteristics of a pirate. Following the footsteps of his childhood hero, he strives to become the King of the Pirates only to continue his exciting adventures and meeting new and intriguing people as a pirate. As well as finding the One Piece, the treasure of all treasures. One Piece is completely described as an adventure anime, probably one of the most popular and successful series of the decade in a community that involves the world. The series is still on going, and yet for some reason, I feel the ending is coming near. Im sure this wont happen for the next year or two, but I do feel like it its been reaching the beginning of the climax. Of course, more adventures are still to come Mushishi. Episodes 2. Aired Oct. Jun. 1. 9th, 2. 00. This anime is about the most basic form of life, Mushi. They exist in the world without goals or purpose, and are beyond the beliefs of good and evil. Existing in many forms and having the ability to mimic the natural occurrences of the world, only a vague description of these entities can define them. The is due to the fact of humans being unaware of their existence. Only traveling Mushi shi, those who research and understand their place in the worlds hierarchy of life, know about them. One individual, Ginko, strives in knowing all about them in hopes of finding out the meaning of life. The anime series has viewers following Ginko as he travels across Japan in search of misbehaving Mushi spirits Mushishi is probably one of the most popular series in the anime community, for it is also a great way to learn about the cultures within Japan. Cowboy Bebop. Episodes 2. Aired Apr. 3rd, 1. Apr. 2. 4th, 1. 99. Cowboy Bebop is an anime full of wild adventures and crazy situations, with the characters always having to find ways to survive. The show is basically about three individuals who are bounty hunters in the galaxy. They all have their own secrets about their pasts that somehow finds a way to force all three of them to be involved and act accordingly. Living a life as a bounty hunter in any anime series will definitely have the viewers experiencing an excitement filled with action and suspense, in the most adventurous way. Travel the galaxy and experience the adventures of a Space CowboyHunter x Hunter. Episodes 1. Aired Oct. Sep. 2. 4th, 2. 01. Hunter x Hunter is the epitome of adventure anime. The series is filled with tons of traveling and new experiences that have the viewers glued to the TV screen. A Hunter is a person who travels the world completing all kinds of dangerous and challenging tasks that come their way. This could range from capturing huge beasts and creatures, dangerous criminals, and lost treasures in known and uncharted lands.