Star Trek Wikipedia. Star Trek is an American media franchise based on the science fictiontelevision series created by Gene Roddenberry. The first television series, simply called Star Trek and now referred to as The Original Series, debuted in 1. NBC. It followed the interstellar adventures of Captain James T. Kirk William Shatner and his crew aboard the starship USS Enterprise, a space exploration vessel, built by the interstellar federal republic United Federation of Planets in the twenty third century. The Star Trek canon of the franchise includes The Original Series, an animated series, five spin off television series, and its film franchise in addition to further adaptations made in several media since the original. In creating Star Trek, Roddenberry was inspired by the Horatio Hornblower novels, the satirical book Gullivers Travels, and by works of western genre such as the television series Wagon Train. These adventures continued in the short lived Star Trek The Animated Series and six feature films. Four spin off television series were eventually produced Star Trek The Next Generation followed the crew of a new starship Enterprise set a century after the original series Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Voyager set contemporaneously with The Next Generation and Star Trek Enterprise set before the original series in the early days of human interstellar travel. The most recent Star Trek TV series, entitled Star Trek Discovery, premiered on CBS and later made available exclusively on the digital platform CBS All Access. The adventures of The Next Generation crew continued in four additional feature films. In 2. 00. 9, the film franchise underwent a reboot set in an alternate timeline, or Kelvin Timeline, entitled simply Star Trek. This film featured a new cast portraying younger versions of the crew from the original show their adventures were continued in the sequel film, Star Trek Into Darkness 2. The thirteenth film feature and sequel, Star Trek Beyond 2. Star Trek has been a cult phenomenon for decades. Fans of the franchise are called Trekkies or Trekkers. The franchise spans a wide range of spin offs including games, figurines, novels, toys, and comics. Star Trek had a themed attraction in Las Vegas that opened in 1. September 2. 00. 8. At least two museum exhibits of props travel the world. Star Trek Beyond Full Movie In English' title='Star Trek Beyond Full Movie In English' />The series has its own full fledged constructed language, Klingon. Several parodies have been made of Star Trek. In addition, viewers have produced several fan productions. As of July 2. 01. Star Trek one of the highest grossing media franchises of all time. Biography, filmography, trailers and image gallery. Star Trek Beyond Bluray 2016 Starring Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Karl Urban. The first leg of the USS Enterprises five year mission takes them into uncharted. Star Trek is a 2009 American science fiction adventure film directed by J. J. Abrams and written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It is the eleventh film in the. Sells gifts, collectibles, books, stationery, videos, toys, apparel, and food. Star Trek Beyond Full Movie In English' title='Star Trek Beyond Full Movie In English' />Star Trek is noted for its cultural influence beyond works of science fiction. The franchise is also noted for its progressive civil rights stances. The Original Series included one of televisions first multiracial casts. Star Trek references may be found throughout popular culture from movies such as the submarine thriller Crimson Tide to the animated series South Park. Background. Conception and setting. The Starfleet emblem as seen in the franchise. As early as 1. 96. Gene Roddenberry drafted a proposal for the science fiction series that would become Star Trek. Although he publicly marketed it as a Western in outer spacea so called Wagon Train to the Stars5he privately told friends that he was modeling it on Jonathan Swifts Gullivers Travels, intending each episode to act on two levels as a suspenseful adventure story and as a morality tale. Most Star Trek stories depict the adventures of humansNote 1 and aliens who serve in Starfleet, the space borne humanitarian and peacekeeping armada of the United Federation of Planets. The protagonists have altruistic values, and must apply these ideals to difficult dilemmas. Many of the conflicts and political dimensions of Star Trek represent allegories of contemporary cultural realities. Star Trek The Original Series addressed issues of the 1. Issues depicted in the various series include war and peace, the value of personal loyalty, authoritarianism, imperialism, class warfare, economics, racism, religion, human rights, sexism, feminism, and the role of technology. Roddenberry stated By creating a new world with new rules, I could make statements about sex, religion, Vietnam, politics, and intercontinental missiles. Indeed, we did make them on Star Trek we were sending messages and fortunately they all got by the network. If you talked about purple people on a far off planet, they the TV network never really caught on. They were more concerned about cleavage. They actually would send a censor down to the set to measure a womans cleavage to make sure too much of her breast wasnt showing1. Roddenberry intended the show to have a progressive political agenda reflective of the emerging counter culture of the youth movement, though he was not fully forthcoming to the networks about this. He wanted Star Trek to show humanity what it might develop into, if it would learn from the lessons of the past, most specifically by ending violence. An extreme example is the alien species, the Vulcans, who had a violent past but learned to control their emotions. Roddenberry also gave Star Trek an anti war message and depicted the United Federation of Planets as an ideal, optimistic version of the United Nations. His efforts were opposed by the network because of concerns over marketability, e. Roddenberrys insistence that Enterprise have a racially diverse crew. Mythology. The central trio of Kirk, Spock, and Mc. Oceans Full Movie there. Coy from Star Trek The Original Series was modeled on classical mythological storytelling. William Shatner said There is a mythological component to pop culture, especially with science fiction. Its people looking for answers and science fiction offers to explain the inexplicable, the same as religion tends to do. If we accept the premise that it has a mythological element, then all the stuff about going out into space and meeting new life trying to explain it and put a human element to it its a hopeful vision. All these things offer hope and imaginative solutions for the future. Richard Lutz wrote The enduring popularity of Star Trek is due to the underlying mythology which binds fans together by virtue of their shared love of stories involving exploration, discovery, adventure and friendship that promote an egalitarian and peace loving society where technology and diversity are valued rather than feared and citizens work together for the greater good. Thus Star Trek offers a hopeful vision of the future and a template for our lives and our society that we can aspire to. History and production. Beginnings. In early 1. Roddenberry presented a brief treatment for a proposed Star Trek TV series to Desilu Productions comparing it to Wagon Train, a Wagon Train to the stars. Desilu worked with Roddenberry to develop the treatment into a script, which was then pitched to NBC. NBC paid to make a pilot, The Cage, starring Jeffrey Hunter as Enterprise. Captain Christopher Pike. NBC rejected The Cage, but the executives were still impressed with the concept, and made the unusual decision to commission a second pilot Where No Man Has Gone Before. The first regular episode The Man Trap of Star Trek The Original Series aired on Thursday, September 8, 1. US. 1. 8Note 2While the show initially enjoyed high ratings, the average rating of the show at the end of its first season dropped to 5. Unhappy with the shows ratings, NBC threatened to cancel the show during its second season. How To Install Life Is Strange Episode 2 Steam more. The shows fan base, led by Bjo Trimble, conducted an unprecedented letter writing campaign, petitioning the network to keep the show on the air. NBC renewed the show, but moved it from primetime to the Friday night death slot, and substantially reduced its budget. Star Trek Homepage.