Karloff Unlocks the House of Frankenstein TonightTwas 3 weeks before Christmas and all through the house several creatures are stirring plus Karloff, that louse The villagers nestle in their homes, in fear that the Monster or Wolf Man might suddenly appear Add Dracula in, and a hunchbacked killer and you have tonights House of Frankenstein chiller Cheap seasonal poem ripoff aside, we are delighted to bring you another of those often requested classic monster rally films with three of the top Universal  monsters, plus the King of Universal Horror, Boris Karloff In this 1. Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man we find Karloff as the evil Dr. Neimann in prison, thanks to his scientific experiments that were considered a crime against nature. Nature itself allows him and his cellmate, the hunchback Daniel, to escape from confinement and they begin a deadly journey of revenge and, hopefully, discovery of the lost secrets of Dr. Frankenstein for creating life The doctor and his assistant take on the guise of purveyors of a traveling house of horrors which just happens to contain the remains of one Count Dracula, who has the bad habit of not staying dead Along the way to the ruins of  the laboratory of Dr. Frankenstein another passenger joins the group a lovely gypsy girl whom Daniel finds all too alluring. More alluring to Neimann is the investigation of the ruins which yield a startling find the frozen bodies of both the Wolf Man and the actual Frankenstein Monster Both are thawed out, with the Wolf Man reverting to his human form of Larry Talbot and the mad doctor encouraged to restore the Monster to full life, while taking a few other lives and doing some mix and match brain surgery. Things get more complicated, as the gypsy girl  only had eyes for the brooding Talbot Neimanns promises to both Daniel and Talbot  conflict and the villagers are not taking kindly to any of thisThis film was really the first of the so called monster mash films sporting  a roster of top monsters actually, the original plan would have added a few more, including the Mummy and marks a few more firsts the first appearance of John Carradine as the slim Dracula who would headline the next film in the series,House of Dracula, and Glenn Stranges first outing as the Monster. We also get Lon Chaney Jr, of course, as Talbot and well tell you more about the other cast members during the show. Along with all the usual Sven shtick, youll also get a behind the scenes look at a radio show I guested on with my good friend, WGN radios Nick Digilio. The House of Frankenstein house party starts tonight on Me. TV at 1. 0 pm easternpacific, 9 pm central, or check listings in your area for when you can see us. In the Chicago viewing area, fans can get a second look at Herman and family in Munster Go Home good thing they didnt accidentally go to the House of Frankenstein at 1. The triumph of science is finally realizing Earth can only support 1 billion people Pope Francis Laudato Si Maintain Earth population under. Chance Episode 7 Recap. Image?disableStub=true&type=VIDEO_S_720&url=http%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FnwUm2iZJKKg%2F0.jpg&signatureToken=TWO30tPclqHB7Pt4xrDztQ' alt='Watch Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love? IMDB' title='Watch Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love? IMDB' />Directed by Audu Paden, Eric Radomski. With Kate Higgins, Salli Saffioti, Debi Derryberry, Laura Bailey. Frankie Stein begins at Monster High and follows her all new. Watch Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love? IMDB' title='Watch Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love? IMDB' />Good morning fellow Sven fans and happy Super SciFi Saturday This one has them all The Frankenstein monster Count Dracula The Wolf Man A mad scientist and his. WCIU, the U. When I post that information on the Sven fan page on Facebook, invariably someone who didnt carefully read what I wrote  will ask why does Chicago get a different movie than the rest of the country The Sat. Me. TV movie is the same everywhere its just that Chicago gets an extra run the following week of that same movie, earlier in the day on a different one of our stations Me. TV also invites you to live Tweet during the show on Twitter, using the hashtag svengoolie. Just want to add Im very happy that we are finally able to bring you the Sven t shirts in larger sizes we have gotten so many requests for that, and, as I promised, I kept after management to make it so Im also happy that the Sven hoodies are finally available that was the new clothing item I had hoped wed have for you LAST year, but, after a long procedure of getting certain factors in line they are finally here. Im hoping this is just the beginning of more Sven merchandise that we can offer to all you faithful fansWatch Monster High: Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love? IMDBHope youll be in the house for tonights Frankenstein featureTrump Accuses Comey of Perjury While Dodging Questions About Secret Tapes He Probably Made Up. At a White House press conference today, President Trump accused former FBI director James Comey of perjuring himself before the US Senatea very serious chargeand further advanced the ridiculous charade that he can prove it all with secret tapes which almost certainly do not exist. After managing to stop tweeting for an entire day hallelujah, the president let loose on Friday, accusing Comey of making false statements and lies while testifying under oath. On Twitter, Trump went so far as to declare total and complete vindication even though Comey explicitly stated the president leaned on him to end the investigation into his pal Michael Flynn. Trump previously characterized the FBI as being in a state of utter disarray under Comey, one of the several pretexts the president used to explain Comeys firing before publicly admitting that what he really wanted was for that whole Russia thing to go away. Those were lies, plain and simple, Comey told the Senate Intelligence Committee. Asked about the tapes he most likely invented on Friday, Trump told reporters, Ill tell you about that sometime in the near future. Virus X Movie Watch Online. That future may be sooner than he expected Having accused Comey of perjury, the Senate Intelligence Committee is now demanding that the president hand over the tapes by June 2. So he has two weeks. In the wake of Comeys testimony and Trumps rebuttal, the American public has been left with the difficult decision. Should they believe the G man who once threatened to quit his job as a US attorney on principle and whose former employees cant find anything bad to say about him Or the former casino owner who paid 2. Tough call. Meanwhile, seven of Trumps current and former aides, including son in law Jared Kushner, are currently being scrutinized by a special counsel over their contacts with the Russian government. A special counsel that was only necessary because Trumps attorney general suspiciously omitted his own exchanges with a Russian envoy during his Senate confirmation hearings. Maybe Merriam Webster can just tweet the definition of vindication so the president can learn to use it properly. Correction They already have.