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Tragedy of the children born with genetic defects because their parents are cousins. A young mother opens her kitchen fridge, taking out a mango yoghurt for her 1.

· "The emergence of completely drug-resistant gonorrhoea is a major concern," Dr. Helen Petousis-Harris, lead author of the new study and a senior lecturer.

Watch Kissing Cousins Online

She calls him to the table three times. When the boy fails to appear, she runs up the narrow stairs of their terrace house in a former Yorkshire mill town to get him. Minutes later, the boy finally enters the living room.

Watch Kissing Cousins Online

Imran is a handsome lad and seems perfectly normal. He has just spent the day at his school in Bradford, where he is often top of the class. Look a little closer, though, and you can see hearing aids tucked behind each of his ears.

Imran is profoundly deaf because a vital nerve which carries sounds to his brain has failed to develop. Medically, there is nothing that can be done to cure his disability. It is the same affliction that has struck his teenage cousin, a girl called Myra. Two of the children's uncles also suffer severe deafness.

Is this a tragic coincidence and are the family just unlucky? Watch Online Watch Brighton Rock Full Movie Online Film. According to Imran's mother, the answer is an emphatic "No". Scroll down for more..

Union: A Muslim couple marry in traditional dress"I married my first cousin, which is why Imran is deaf," she says. Myra's parents are also first cousins, which is why she is also deaf. When I started my family I was just a young girl. I had no idea that marrying a close relative would be medically dangerous for any children I had. My parents did not know either.

Now our son is paying the price for our ignorance."The mother (whom we will call Zuhra) agreed to talk to the Mail only on condition of anonymity. She is terrified of being identified and condemned by her extended family of 1. Northern England, for speaking out about one of the most controversial - and taboo - subjects in multi- cultural Britain: inter- marriage between cousins which has left hundreds of children damaged or dead. My parents would think I had betrayed them," she says. They were born in Pakistan and are stuck in the past. They are good people, but they can't accept that my son's deafness has been caused by my husband and myself being so closely related. My father would like my oldest daughter, who is 1.

He already has a male relative in mind. But I will do everything to avoid it happening."This week, Government Minister Phil Woolas provoked a furore by warning of the health risks of cousin marriages among British Pakistanis. He claimed the practice was sending the number of birth defects among children in these communities soaring. The MP for Oldham - where one in seven are of Pakistani or Bangladeshi heritage - described the issue as the "elephant in the room": a contentious matter that was never talked about.

His words were echoed by Ann Cryer, the Labour MP for Keighley in Yorkshire, who says cousin marriages are medieval and designed to keep wealth within families. The problems provoked are not fair to the children or to the NHS. If you go into a paediatric ward in Bradford or Keighley, you will find more than half of the kids are from the Asian community," continued Mrs Cryer. Since Asians form only 2. There was one poor girl who had to have an oxygen tank on her back and breathe from a hole in the front of her neck. Furore: Government Minister Phil Woolas warned of the health risks of cousin marriages"Her parents were warned they should not have any more children. But when the husband returned again from Pakistan, within months they had another child with exactly the same condition."It is not the first time that Mrs Cryer has raised the dangers of cousin marriages.

She caused uproar by commenting: "It is heartbreaking when grandparents are so keen cousins should marry that the family health problems continue throughout generations. A doctor told me that one Pakistani family believed it was the will of Allah, because doctors were doing the wrong thing or the mother was a bad woman . So what is the reality?

British Pakistanis, half of whom marry a first cousin, are 1. Government- sponsored research.

One in ten children of cousin marriages either dies in infancy or develops a serious life- threatening disability. Although British Pakistanis account for three per cent of the births in this country, they are responsible for 3. The vast majority of the problems are caused by recessive gene disorders, according to London's Genetic Interest Group which advises families affected. Everyone carries some abnormal recessive genes, but most people don't have a defect because the normal gene overrules the abnormal one. But if a husband and wife both have an abnormal recessive gene, the couple have a one- in- four chance of producing a child with defects - including blindness, deafness, heart or kidney failure, lung or liver problems, and myriad of neurological ailments.

Even their healthy children have a one- in- four chance of being a carrier of the defect with drastic implications for the next generation. The result is that children of firstcousin couples, whatever their ethnic background, have the same six per cent chance of having a baby with defects as a woman of 4. This is twice the national average. And few realise that the problem includes other ethnic communities from southern Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Yet it is only part of the picture. A community nurse and genetics counsellor in Yorkshire told me this week that the 'trouble really starts' when a first cousin marries a first cousin and the couple's own grandparents are cousins, too. I have heard of first- cousin marriages going back generation after generation in some families.

The chances of disability among children then increase enormously."Of course, unrelated couples can also have babies that are born damaged, maybe as a result of the mother binge- drinking or taking drugs during pregnancy. The incidence of mothers choosing to have children late in life is also having an impact on birth defects. But Dr Peter Corry, a consultant paediatrician at St Luke's Hospital, Bradford - where nearly one in five of the population is of Pakistani heritage - has revealed that 1.

Some are very rare and, until recently, unknown in Britain. In a typical health authority area, the number of such disorders would normally be between 2.

Medical research has shown that many of these genetic disorders include neuro- degenerative conditions, where the proper functioning of the brain and spinal cord gradually decline after a child is born. According to Bradford's District Infant Mortality Commission (which was set up to examine the problem), at least five more children a year die in the city than in areas with a similar economic profile but where there are no first- cousin marriages. This week, I spoke about the medical consequences with paediatric nurses, community health workers and midwives in the North, Birmingham (where genetic disorders among the Pakistani community are twice as high as among the general population) and London.

One staff sister who has worked in a Midlands children's ward for 1. It is terrible to watch. Very few people in the NHS are prepared to talk about this openly. Every day, we see the sad results of blood relatives marrying. The other day, a very young mother came in to give birth to her third child. Her eldest boy has already died of a neurological degenerative condition while her daughter, who suffers the same brain disorder, is getting more disabled every day. When the baby girl arrived, she had problems breathing.

She was not reacting like a normal newborn. The mother, who is married to her first cousin, was crying because she suspected what the future holds. The eldest son's head started to be unsteady after his first birthday.

By the age of two, doctors confirmed he was mentally retarded. He became paralysed at three and just faded away."While many doctors and nurses refuse to comment publicly, the debate over cousin marriages is being discussed freely on websites. An Asian health worker recently posted this sad message: "I went to two special schools on Monday.