Appendix: Glossary of Scottish slang and jargon. This is a glossary of Scots English words as well as slang, jargon and Scots Language, with their meanings and where appropriate; an example of their use.

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It's worth noting that Scotland has 3 languages (English/Scots/Gaelic) and a collection of different dialects. Table of Contents: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZah wiz like - "I was like that"; i. I was remarked to say (So the boss says tae me that I was lazy, and as- laat, "Naw am- ur- nay!")auld - old (as in auld gin)awfy / affy - awful (usually used as an amplifier, e. Eastern Scottish dialect). Christ man, put the heating oan, it's baltic). Black - Dirty ("you're black, mate, take a bath" "ya black basturd")bampot - an idiot, unhinged personbanger - a firework - also, penis, as in, "away you 'n' chew mah banger"barra - a little child - also, an affectionate term for a younger person (A wee barra.)barry - fantastic (That's pure barry)bastart - bastard, also, rarely, a peculiar term of endearment (Awright Ted ya wee bastart)Barras - a market started by Margaret Mc. Iver joined for the initial use of wheel barrows/"barras' to sell things from, at the Barrowland in the east end of Glasgowbatter - to beat up (I'll batter ye, mon' then ya dick!)baws - testicles "bawsack!" ballsack in Englishbawbag - scrotum, pejorative (That guy's a bawbag)bawhair - A unit of measurement for the thickness of a pubic hair.

· This is a glossary of Scots English words as well as slang, jargon and Scots Language, with their meanings and where appropriate; an example of their use.

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Ye havin a bevvy the nite?)Big Yin - Originated as Billy Connolly's nickname. Meaning: Big One, used as a term of endearment towards older relatives or friendsbit - (a place; usually referring to somebody's house) "Meet me at ma bit", "A'll come round tae your bit", "Am stayin' o'er at my da's bit the night". TV series Minder)boaby - police. Can also mean penis, or cum. Pure givin' me the boak!)bob, bobee, bawbee - a 'bob' is slang for a shilling piece worth 1. That's boggin'!)bolt - go away (wanty bolt!)bonnie - pretty, beautifulboot - slatternly or ugly woman.

The box - television set (Whit's on the box the night?)buckie - short for "Buckfast". Let's awa' up that burn) not actually slang as it's the correct term and used elsewhere in the worldbraw - beautiful, as in (​'S'a braw bricht moonlicht nicht the nicht.'​)burd - Girlfriend, or girls in general (huv ye seen the state ae thae burds!)bunker - table top / counter (Make sure yeez clean aw along the bunker when yur finished!)but - conjunction sometimes used to end sentences, commonly in Inverclyde (Am naw gaun but!)cannie - Smart (He's a cannie lad)chankin - cold (It's chankin the day!)chum - to accompany someone (chum me to the shop)chug - to masturbate (he was having a chug on the bus)clart - to put too much on somethingclarty / clatty - dirty as in "he picked his nose and ate it, the clarty bastard". An alleyway, a passage at the rear of houses. The passageway leading into a tenement building/Humid weatherclarted - covered in (mud)clype - a grass or tell- tale, also means to hit someone or somethingcoarse, coorse - bully or torment or be badcauld - cold (It's awfy cauld in here)coupon - face. Some coupon on him, eh?)craic (crack) - chat (What's the craic?)cummoan - let's go,~~ please talk sense ~~ (vamos. Hanging Around. (I've been cutting about all day!)’’’crivens’’- a exclamationdafty - silly, foolish persondancin - nightclub (Ur ye gaun tae the dancin' tonight?)dangleberry - small piece of stool- covered toilet paper hanging from the hair around the bum hole.

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That's pure deed brilliant!!!)deh - don't (deh dae that)diddy - did he? Also means an idiot and female breasts ("Diddy go tae school?" "Wait! Ye left yur keys ya diddy!" "Check oot the diddies oan her.")dinnae/dunno - Don't (Dinnae dae that!)dingy - ignore, abandoned (he's dingied us)dobber - a fool/stupid person.

Also means "dickhead" (Whit ye daein' ya dobber?!)dog/doggin - Having sexual intercourse in the back of a car (Oh my God. I couldn't be bothered so ended up jus doggin it)dander/daunder/donner - a walk (comin' fur a wee donner doon yonder?)doon - Down. Turn that doon! We got a fuckin can theif!

TURN THAT DOON!)doonhamer - Someone from Dumfries. Got its name from towns more North than Dumfries because people from Dumfries would say (Am gan doon hame.)doric - dialect spoken in the north eastdreich - Damp, overcast, wet. Soaking wet - drencheddunderheed - an idiot, a fooldunno / dinna ken - I don't knowempty - the residents who live in the house are not present and people take advantage by having a party in the "empty" house. Ma granny's got an empty, moan up fur a swallae.). Normally teenagers having a party in their own house when parents are away involves drinking which they would not be able to do with their friends if parents around.

Dinnae fash yersel)feart - to be scared, afeared (I'm feart o' the dark)flap - to become overly upset or worked up about something, beyond what others see as necessary (Dinnae flap! We'll find yer wellies!)fleg - fright, flag reference to over- exuberant British nationalism (He's a dirty Flegger)fud - vagina (Ah booted her right in the fud man!) usually used as derogatory term (What fud publishes on Wikipedia?)footer - to twiddle and mess about with something (courtesy of Mrs A. A Munro)Gaun yersel' - Congratulationsgammie - An injured body part (Canny play, I've got a gammie leg)gaun - going (am gaun hame), or, go on/and (gaun shut the fuck up)gantin'/Gaggin' fur it - begging for (See her, she's pure gantin' fur sex)gash - vagina, or poor (Ranger's are gash at football)gie's/geez - give - (geez it)geggy - mouth - (Shut yer geggy)Ginger - pop/fizzy drink/soda (typically referring to Irn- Bru)gingin (pronounced "ging- in") - Disgusting (He wis spewin' his guts up (being sick), it was heavy gingin!)glaikit - stupid (ya glaikit bastard)Glesgae - Glasgow, if not a local (typically East coast Scots) "Glesga" is more often used by West coast Scots. Mouth (shut yer gob)gowpin/lowpin - sore body part/infested with lice - (My knee is gowpin) - (Her heid was pure lowpin)goon - idiot (You're a pure goon, man!)granny or gran - grandmothergrannied - didn't score a single point (I was grannied at pool tonight)hame - home (am away hame)Harry hoofter- rhyming slang for "woofter" a derogatory term for a homosexual man. Haw, stop ya bawbag!)haun - hand (watch ma haun)haud/hud - hold, stop "wanty hawd that?", "haud the bus" (hold it right there). How ye dain' the day, hen?)heed/heid - head (a've got a sare heed)heavin (hee- vin) - very busy (This pub is heavin, ye canny get movin.)hirplin - to walk with a limp. Watch Yatzy Online Full Movie. She hirpled across to answer the door).

TV series The Sweeney). She's gettin' her hole the night fur definite.)honkin - smelly/dirty (Your breath is honkin' by the way.)hoora - slang term for "very" (That Buckfast was hoora good.)hoot - what (Hoot are you talkin aboot?)howfin'/howlin'/hummin' - smellyhuddy - idiot, stupid, lame brain. Isna(e) - Is not. Int it/Int it no? Isn't it? (This place is brilliant, int it no?)jag/jab - injection/punchjaked - being in a state of drunkenness (I was jaked last night)jake(y) - a person who is addicted to class A drugs or alcohol, and lives a poor quality of life as consequence / A down- and- out, a tramp. How dis he get tae skip the queue, but no' us? Jammy bastard)jamp - past tense of jump (used mostly in the Highlands, especially the Black Isle).

Jim Delahunt - sports pundit and former presenter of Scotsport, rhyming slang for "cunt", female genitaliajobby - poo; plural form "jobbies"jobby jabber - a gay man (derogatory)junkie - a drug user, commonly heroin (ya junkie bastard)kelpie - a mythical water creature resembling a horse. Also a set of twin sculptures called "The Kelpies". Whit a knob man!)knapdarloch - a piece of faeces hanging from an animal's furkip - sleep/nap (If yur tired, try fur a kip." "am away fir a kip man, shattered)kippy - left (He's kippy- handed.)kirk - church (I can't get pished? Is this some kind of kurk?)Keech - Scottish for faeces.