Kenneth Copeland Ministries KCM specializes in teaching principles of bible faith prayer, healing, salvation and other biblical topics via Believers Voice of. Watch32 Watch Movies on Watch32. Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Watch 32 Movies Online. Watch Fading Of The Cries Download. Watch Growth Online Free 2016 Last Tamil' title='Watch Growth Online Free 2016 Last Tamil' />Dec 2. PM IST1. 6 promising startups to watch in 2. Pranbihanga Borpuzari, Economictimes. Startups in India are hot and a part of the mainstream. The numbers became clear when Nasscom revealed that India has moved up to third position and has emerged the fastest growing base of startups worldwide. India is one amongst the first five largest startup communities in the world with the number of startups crossing 4,2. The waves that built late in 2. Lofty valuations, hot cash and a million dollars in seed rounds suddenly became the norm. However, the latter part of the year has seen some sanity returning to the startup scene as investors look to back startups that can run the distance. Greater governmental focus, keen VCPE interest and with the world watching, 2. Watch Growth Online Free 2016' title='Watch Growth Online Free 2016' />Indian startups. ET. BCCLFaircent. Founders Rajat Gandhi, Vinay Mathews Nitin Gupta. City Gurgaon. Revenues Transactions Rs. Rs. 1. 2 crore. Headcount 2. Worldwide growth of photovoltaics has been an exponential curve between 20072017. During this period of time, photovoltaics PV, also known as solar PV, evolved. The Sacramento regions gross domestic product, or GDP, was more than twice the national average in 2016, a report released Monday, Sept. Majority of people urge to watch great movies and isnt it really a good thought of putting over their comfortable Tshirts and watch movies. Industry P2. P Lending, Fin. Tech. What it offers Within a year of operations Faircent. Fintech Company in India. A marketplace for borrowers and lenders to connect directly, Faircent empowers consumers who are burdened with high interest rates and lenders who end up with returns that fall shy of beating prevailing inflation. Faircent. coms platform allows for both auction and reverse auction. Growth Details Expansion Plans Faircent says it will continue to build on its leadership in product and plans to be the dominant marketplace lending platform in India. Faircent has set itself a stiff target of disbursing loans in over 2. Watch Something Borrowed Online Mic here. Rs 2,0. 00 crore in the next 4 years. Investors Amount raised Mohandas Pai Aarin Capital, M S Partners, Devesh Sachdev and Ashish Tiwari. BCCLBolt. Founders Satyajeet Mohanty CEO Co Founder, Bolt, Ronak Kumar Samantray, Co Founder Now. Floats is also the co inventor of the product and is the principal advisor. City Hyderabad. RevenueTransactions Sales of about 3. Headcount Team of 5 with primary focus on production quality and post sales engagement with customers. Industry Technology, Auto Accessory. What if offers Bolt Red Streak is the worlds first smart mobile phone charger for motorbikes. It has a unique detachable design to prevent theft and misuse of the device. It is a 2 A charger, which not only charges your mobile phone fast, but also automatically tracks your entire ride on a route map, total distance, average speed etc using the Bolt Riders App. Growth Details Expansion Plans Bolt Red Streak was launched in July, 2. Bolt authorized dealers across India distributing the product. The aim is to increase the strength to 1. January 2. 01. 6. Also, there has been a steady demand online via the website http thebolt. Flipkart and Amazon. Investors Amount raised Raised Rs 2. BCCLWow Momo Foods Pvt Ltd. Founders Sagar Daryani Binod Kr. Homagai. City Headquartered in Kolkata, operational in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, Kochi Pune. Revenues Over Rs 3. Headcount Over 7. Industry Food Beverage. What it offers Wow Momo is a quick service food chain serving large variants of innovative momos and Tibetan cuisine in a dine in, delivery and take away format. They even have a dessert as a momo, called Chocolate Momo. Growth Details Expansion Plans The Brand projects to reach a restaurant count of 1. Rs 8. 0 crore per annum by FY 2. Investors Amount raised Raised Series A funding of Rs 1. Indian Angel Network lead by Sanjeev Bhikchandani founder Naukri. Saurabh Srivastava Ashvin Chadha. Fun Facts Wow Momo is started by two young Entrepreneurs from Kolkata at the age of 2. Investment of only Rs. BCCLInspirock. Founders Anoop Goyal and Prakash Sikchi. City San Francisco. Revenues NA. Headcount 1. Industry Travel. What it offers Inspirock helps people plan holidays with the help of technology. At a conceptual level the offering is highly simple, but at the computer science level and a technology level it is immensely complicated. For example, a planned itinerary for a 1. France will have a trillion possibilities and the number of permutations. What makes Inspirock different is that it is able to churn out plans based on logic and according to preference within seconds. Growth Details Expansion Plans About 2. It currently covers over 1. Europe and US and plan to cover most of the world next year. Investors Amount raised Inspirock has raised 3 million in seed funding, which was led by Make. My. Trip. 51. 7BCCLEdu. Kart. Founder Ishan Gupta. City New Delhi. Headcount 5. Industry Education, Marketplace. What it offers Backed by investors like Yuvraj Singh, Edu. Kart helps a student right from the time he or she decides to pursue a course to the time the enrollment is completed. As for courses, it is a platform facilitating students to enroll in a degree, diploma, certificate, entrance coaching and school education courses, thus catering to the entire education life cycle of an individual, making it a unique platform in the Indian education industry. Growth Details Expansion Plans Edu. Kart says it is adding more courses and course providers to its portfolio. The education industry in a 6. Bn fragmented market wherein Edu. Kart is looking to extend the number of courses from current 2. Investors Amount raised Jun, 2. M Pre Series A, May, 2. Angel and Apr, 2. Seed. Investors include 5. Startups, You. We. Can Ventures, Vijay Shekhar Sharma Paytm, Manish Kheterpal, Amit Patni, Arihant Patni, Sasha Mirchandani, Holositk Group and Vibhor Mehra. BCCLChaayos Sunshine Teahouse Pvt LtdFounders Nitin Saluja Raghav Verma. City New Delhi. Revenues Chaayos sees over 6. Headcount Over 2. Delhi and Mumbai. Industry Cafe, Chai. What it offers Chaayos is a contemporary interpretation of the chai adda. Chaayos offers more than 2. Chaayos delivers Tea in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida orders can be placed by using the Chaayos App or by calling them up. It also allows customers to prepare tea at home by using the packaged chai patti available in Chaayos cafes and on e commerce sites like Amazon. Growth Details Expansion Plans The startup has 1. DelhiNCR and Mumbai and plans to expand to 2. Investors Amount raised The startup has raised 5 million from Tiger Global. BCCLSu. Vitas Holistic Healthcare. Founders Flt Lt Bipin Pendyala, Dr. Ramesh Babu and Sateesh Andra. City Hyderabad. Revenues Current run rate of Rs 2. Rs 2. 6. 5 crore per annum. The startup is now moving to a run rate of Rs 5. Rs 6. 6 crore per annum by Mar 2. Headcount 3. 5 direct, 2. Industry Transition Care part of the healthcare delivery value chain. What it offers Su. Vitas Blue Ocean Strategy is protocol oriented personalized care plan, homelike relaxing environment, collaborative care from physicians, therapists, nursing, dieticians and emotional counselors. Patients are called residents as they stay for a period of 2 1. Su. Vitas, as required for their recovery. Growth DetailsExpansion Plans The 5. The startup now plans to expand into Bangalore and Mumbai in 2. Investors Amount raised Currently bootstrapped by the 3 founder with approximately Rs 5 crore. Founding team plans to raise external funding VC PE for expansion and rapid growth. BCCLCash. Karo. com. Founders Rohan Swati Bhargava. City Gurgaon, Haryana. Revenues Rs 6. 0 Crore. Headcount 6. 0Industry E commerce. What it offers Cash. Karo. com is a cashback and coupons website. Members can get up to 5. Cash. Karo. All Cashback can be paid to users bank accounts as real cash. Growth Details The site sees over 7,0. It has over 1. 0 Lakh members, 1. It has enabled Rs 5. GMV and credited Rs 2. Expansion Plans The startup is planning to expand in Southeast Asia where it will launch Cashback sites similar to Cash. Karo. com. It expects to cross Rs 1. GMV and credit more than Rs 4. Cashback in the next few months.