Scammers Are Targeting People With Lost Pets. Losing a pet feels terrible. Youre sad, scared, and desperateyoud do anything to get your furry friend back. And that makes you the perfect target for a scam artist. Losing a dog or a cat is like losing a member of the family, and thats scary. When youre away from home all day, whether working or exploring, you need to be prepared for every possible contingency. Perhaps you pack an extra battery pack, or. Castcredits plus additional information about the film. SGwFj6Bs/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch Free Money Online Metacritic' title='Watch Free Money Online Metacritic' />Youll worry, youll Read more Read. According to the Better Business Bureau, scammers have been trying to take advantage of owners of lost pets recently. It works like this You post about in your lost pet in publiceither online, on a poster, or bothand list your contact information in case anyone finds them. Soon, you get a text message from someone claiming to have found your pet. But when you ask them to describe it or send you a picture, they say they cant, making excuses about being out of town or not having a smartphone. Then, they pressure you for money, a gift card, or some kind of reward in order to return your pet. Dont fall for it Youre probably desperate to try anything that will ensure your pets safety, but they dont have your cat or dog. If you give them money, youll never hear from them again. If youve ever had a cat escape and run away from home, you know how upsetting it can be. AsideRead more Read. The BBB offers a few helpful suggestions you can follow to avoid these scams, however. Watch Free Money Online Metacritic' title='Watch Free Money Online Metacritic' />First, limit how much information you share when you post about your lost pet. Dont share info on your pets unique physical attributes, for example. Kevin Hart: What Now? Full Movie. That way, when someone says they have your pet, you can ask them about it and verify they actually have it. Second, ask the callertexter for their number so can call them back. They might be using a spoofed phone number. Lastly, always ask them to send you a photo if possible. If they can send you a photo of your pet that doesnt look like the one you posted, you know its real. Square Enix Gave Sweet, Fake SNES Carts To Kings Tale Staff. Square Enix gave a pretty nifty thank you gift to the developers of A Kings Tale Final Fantasy XVa replica Super Nintendo cartridge with the games art and logo. It even includes the box. Its a thematically appropriate gift, since A Kings Tale is a free game for Xbox One and Play. Station 4 thats styled after a Super Nintendo game. Its a side scrolling beat em up with pixel art and a chiptune esque soundtrack that tells an early story of King Regis adventures. No, the cartridge doesnt actually do anything. A Kings Tale may be a retro styled game, but it wouldnt play on an SNES. This is purely for decoration, and for staring at while dreaming of a past that never happened. While only a few of these were produced and only shared with the games development team at San Diego based Empty Clip Studios, the copy pictured was obtained by game publisher Limited Run Games CEO Josh Fairhurst, and shared on Reddit. I was gifted this by the guy who owns the studio, he wrote. Fairhurst, who confirmed the carts veracity to Kotaku on Saturday, added on Reddit that attempts to buy the cartridge from him would fall on deaf ears. This isnt for sale by me nor will it ever be, he wrote. Cant imagine any of the games developers would give theirs up, either.