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The Nephilim - - Giants in the Bible. Watch Shorts Online Fandango. Well, this whole comment is rather difficult to read for a few reasons, not the least of which is formatting and spelling. I’m going to assume that this part: Valerie: It bother to read the Bible…Is supposed to read “IF YOU bother to read the Bible…” thus making the whole first part: Valerie: It bother to read the Bible you will then know it was both……….

This web page is dedicated to our good friend, retired armored vehicle engineer Bill Criswell who passed away a few years ago. A courageous and wise voice of reason.

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A blessing to save his life, but a curse to hunt him down. As anyone who has read through my responses to this and other articles on B& E’s site, I not only read but study the Bible, and more than most people, for that matter.

Daniel Ott, The Edge, Edge Store, Talk Show. 1 I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul.

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The mark was a blessing- It was not a curse. The mark was put into place because of the curse God had already placed upon him. It was a sign of protection; it was an act of mercy; and it was a symbol of His love, if one gets right down to it- But the mark itself was not a curse. Furthermore, nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about the mark placed upon Cain being meant for anything other than protection. It was placed there to prevent people from hunting him down, not to hunt him down. Valerie: You show me the blessing and i’ll show you the curse!

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Your theology (if indeed it can be called that) on this is archaic, really. I say that because you are using the same line of reasoning which led people in the 1. Their belief was grounded in the idea that the mark which God placed upon Cain was darkened skin, and that it was passed to all of his descendants, thus making them a cursed race, and less than the so- called civilized world. The entire theory, however, was predicated upon the belief that the mark of Cain was also his curse. The Bible, however, makes very clear that such is not the case. See for yourself: Genesis 4: 9- 1. Authorized King James Version: And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?

And he said, I know not: Am I my brother’s keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; when thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth. And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear.

Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold.

And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. The chain of events in this passage are as follows: 1.

Cain is questioned by the Lord regarding the death of his brother Abel. Cain denies knowledge of the event.

The Lord demonstrates His omniscience by telling Cain that He knows what happened. The Lord curses Cain to wander; to never again successfully till the ground; to be a fugitive (though the argument could be made that this was more a statement of fact than curse, as he’d be on the run from his own family anyway); and to be a vagabond (that is, one living in exile, not one constantly wandering the earth- We often run into a translation issue here). Cain complains that his punishment is too much to bear (and it really is a lot of whining- “Everyone who finds me will kill me!”) His complaint takes up a full two verses, 1. It is only at this time that we see anything about a mark being placed upon Cain. Moreover, the mark is placed there to do what? According to the Word of God Himself: “If anyone attempts to kill Cain, vengeance will be taken upon that person seven- fold.” The mark set him apart from other people, yes- But also protected him from everyone else.

There was no curse to that mark: It was all a blessing. Valerie: God doesn’t play with fools! Oh the irony of that statement. Let us examine that claim, shall we? First, we have Adam and Eve themselves; their foolishness was perhaps borne out of naivety, yet their foolishness cost them the Garden of Eden and their lives. Genesis 3)Second, we have Noah himself; his only claim to righteousness, as stated in Hebrews 1.

The man obviously had little to no control over his sons; and in his rage, cursed not just the son who offended him, but his grandson as well.(Genesis 9: 2. Thirdly, there is Abraham. A man who brought a cantankerous nephew on a journey into the wilderness (Genesis 1. Genesis 1. 2: 1. 1- 1. Genesis 1. 6: 2- 4)- The list of foolish acts done by this man goes on.

Fourthly, there is Isaac, for choosing favorites (Genesis 2. Genesis 2. 6: 6- 7). Fifth is Esau, who gave away his birthright- One of the ultimately most foolish acts in Genesis- For a bowl of soup (Genesis 2. Yet God used him to protect his brother in the end (Genesis 3. Sixth is Jacob, whom God renamed Israel after physically wrestling with him (Genesis 3.

Jacob was cunning, but he was about as dumb as they come when it came to simply living. This is the man who, in fear of his own life, sent everyone ahead of him into the land of his father- Leaving himself alone and defenseless (Genesis 3. Seventh is Joseph- The yappy little brat who didn’t know enough to keep his dreams to himself. That proved to be utter foolishness (Genesis 3.

Eighth brings Joseph’s brothers in as a tie- Each and every one of them, instead of telling their father to keep his precious baby boy in line, sold him into slavery and managed to keep it a secret for years (Genesis 3. Ninth- Moses. Here’s a guy who has grown up as a prince (Exodus 2: 1.

And Moses kills him with his own hands instead (Exodus 2: 1. Then, instead of standing around and getting the wrist slap that would have been given him had anyone found out, he runs blindly into the desert (Exodus 2: 1. Then he questions the voice of God as it’s coming from a burning bush that isn’t being consumed by the flame (Exodus 3). Let’s skip over a few things and – There he is breaking the original tablets which God cut from the mountain (Exodus 3. This guy’s list goes on.

Number 1. 0- Aaron, the brother of Moses. The dude made an idol for the Israelites and and attempted to pass it off by saying that the calf simply walked out on its own (Exodus 3.