Asnap5.jpg' alt='Watch A Scanner Darkly Online Metacritic' title='Watch A Scanner Darkly Online Metacritic' />Directed by Richard Linklater. With Keanu Reeves, Winona Ryder, Robert Downey Jr., Rory Cochrane. An undercover cop in a nottoodistant future becomes involved with. Cast, crew and reviews from the Internet Movie Database. The Hollywood Reporter is your source for breaking news about Hollywood and entertainment, including movies, TV, reviews and industry blogs. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Watch A Scanner Darkly Online Metacritic' title='Watch A Scanner Darkly Online Metacritic' />Dredd Wikipedia. Dredd is a 2. 01. Pete Travis and written and produced by Alex Garland. It is based on the 2. AD comic strip Judge Dredd and its eponymous character created by John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra. Karl Urban stars as Judge Dredd, a law enforcer given the power of judge, jury and executioner in a vast, dystopic metropolis called Mega City One that lies in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Dredd and his apprentice partner, Judge Anderson Olivia Thirlby, are forced to bring order to a 2. Ma Ma Lena Headey. Garland began writing the script in 2. Judge Dredd film adaptation, unrelated to the 1. Judge Dredd, was not announced until December 2. Produced by British studio DNA Films, Dredd began principal photography, using 3. D cameras throughout, in November 2. Filming took place on practical sets and locations in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Dredd was released on 7 September 2. United Kingdom and on 2. September worldwide. Critics were generally positive about the films visual effects, casting and action, while criticism focused on excessive violence as well as a perceived lack of the satirical elements that are found in the source comic. Despite the positive critical response, the film earned just over 4. Dredd saw greater success following its home release, and has since been recognised as a cult film. The theatrical gross made a sequel unlikely, but home media sales and fan efforts endorsed by 2. ADs publisher Rebellion Developments have maintained the possibility of a second film. The future United States is a dystopic irradiated wasteland known as the Cursed Earth. On the east coast lies Mega City One, a violent metropolis with 8. The only force for order are the Judges, who act as judge, jury and executioner. Judge Dredd is tasked by the Chief Judge with evaluating new recruit Cassandra Anderson, a powerful psychic who failed the aptitude tests to become a Judge. In Peach Trees, a 2. Madeline Madrigal, also known as Ma Ma, executes three rogue drug dealers by having them skinned alive, infused with Slo Mo an addictive new drug which reduces the users perception of time to 1 of normal and thrown down the atrium from the top floor. Dredd and Anderson are sent in to investigate and learn of a drug den, which they raid. They arrest a thug named Kay, whom Andersons mind probe reveals to be the one who carried out the drug dealers executions. Dredd decides to take him in for questioning. In response, Ma Mas forces seize the towers security control room and seal the building, using its blast shields under the pretence of a security test, preventing the Judges from leaving or summoning help. Ma Ma orders Dredd and Anderson killed, forcing the Judges to fight their way through dozens of armed thugs. Arriving at the 7. Judges are assaulted by Ma Ma and her men with Vulcan cannons that rip through the walls, killing numerous residents. The Judges breach an outer wall and call for backup. Meanwhile, Ma Ma sends her henchman Caleb to search for the Judges. When they meet, Dredd throws Caleb off the tower in full view of Ma Ma. Dredd suspects Ma Ma is desperate to keep Kay quiet and beats him for information. Anderson reads Kays mind and learns that Peach Trees is the centre of Slo Mo production and distribution. Anderson suggests they hide while awaiting assistance, but Dredd insists they move up the tower and pursue Ma Ma. Judges Volt and Guthrie respond to Dredds call, but Ma Mas computer expert denies them entry by persuading them the security system is malfunctioning. A pair of armed teens confront Dredd and Anderson, allowing Kay to disarm and overpower Anderson. Kay then escapes with her as hostage, and takes her to Ma Mas base on the top floor. While Dredd works his way towards Ma Ma, she calls in the corrupt Judges Lex, Kaplan, Chan and Alvarez. The four relieve Volt and Guthrie from duty and are allowed into the building. Dredd encounters Chan and is suspicious that he does not ask about Andersons status. Seeing his cover blown, Chan attacks Dredd, but is killed. Meanwhile, Kay tries to execute Anderson with her own weapon, but the pistols DNA scanner does not recognise him and explodes, taking his arm off. She escapes and later encounters Kaplan, whom she promptly kills after reading Kaplans mind. Elsewhere, Dredd kills Alvarez but runs out of ammunition, and is shot by Lex in the abdomen. Lex moves in to execute Dredd, but Dredd stalls him long enough for Anderson to arrive and kill Lex. Anderson and Dredd obtain the code to Ma Mas apartment from her computer expert and confront her. Ma Ma tells Dredd that, in the case of her death, a device on her wrist will detonate explosives on the top floors, destroying the building. Dredd reasons that the detonators signal will not reach the explosives from the ground floor, so he forces Ma Ma to inhale Slo Mo and throws her down the atrium to her death. In the aftermath, Anderson accepts that she has failed her evaluation by getting disarmed, and leaves. The Chief Judge asks Dredd about Andersons performance he responds that she has passed. Karl Urban as Dredd. A famed and feared Judge. Producer Allon Reich described Dredd as an extreme character, and he administers justice with an extreme lack of prejudice. Urban approached the producers about joining the film. He found the role challenging because the character never removes his helmet, requiring Urban to convey emotion without using his eyes. He viewed the character as an average man with an insanely tough job in a fragmenting society and likened Dredds heroism to that of a fireman. The role also demanded physical preparation Urban undertook intensive physical training to become a beast of a man. He also underwent weapons and technical training to learn how to operate under fire, arrest criminals and breach doors. He insisted on performing his own motorcycle stunts for the film. He played Dredd with a raspy and harsh vocal tone akin to a saw cutting through bone, which he found difficult to sustain. Olivia Thirlby as Cassandra Anderson. A rookie Judge and genetic mutant with powerful psychic abilities. Anderson can sense the thoughts and emotions of others. Thirlby contrasted her character with Dredds black and white perspective, describing Anderson as existing in a grey area where everything is enhanced or clouded by the fact that she knows what is going on in the very interior of a person. She undertook weapons and combat training, learning to perform a roundhouse kick to make her believably physically commanding. The character was partially inspired by singer Debbie Harry. Lena Headey as Madeline Ma Ma Madrigal. A former prostitute turned drug lord and criminal kingpin who is the sole supplier of Slo Mo, a new and addictive drug. Headeys performance was inspired by punk rock singer Patti Smith. Reich described the character as someone who does not care at all about what anybody thinks or feels and she will do, and behave, as she wants. Headey said I think of Ma Ma like an old great white shark who is just waiting for someone bigger and stronger to show up and kill her . In fact, she cant wait for it to happen . Shes an addict, so shes dead in that way, but that last knock just hasnt come. Before Headeys casting, the character was described as a heavily made up, scarred and obese older woman. Wood Harris as Kay. Ma Mas clansman. Harris described the character as a villain, but one that sees himself as no worse than the Judges. Harris said  .  Dredd goes around literally judging and killing people if they do wrong . Anyone who goes against the system might end up the bad guy. So I think Kay has justified fighting that in his mind. The cast also includes Domhnall Gleeson as the gangs unnamed computer expert 1. Warrick Grier as Ma Mas right hand man Caleb Deobia Oparei as TJ, Peach Trees medic Francis Chouler as Judge Guthrie,2. Daniel Hadebe as Judge Volt, and Rakie Ayola as the Chief Judge. Blade Runner Wikipedia. Blade Runner is a 1. American neo noir science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott, written by Hampton Fancher and David Peoples, and starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, and Edward James Olmos. It is a loose adaptation of the 1. Do Androids Dream of Electric SheepPhilip K. Dick. Set in a dystopian. Los Angeles in 2. When a fugitive group of replicants led by Roy Batty Hauer escape back to Earth, burnt out cop Rick Deckard Ford reluctantly agrees to hunt them down. During his investigations, Deckard meets Rachael Young, an advanced replicant who causes him to question his mission. Blade Runner underperformed in North American theaters and polarized critics some praised its thematic complexity and visuals, while others were displeased with its unconventional pacing and plot. However, it subsequently became an acclaimed cult film, and is now regarded as one of the all time best science fiction movies. Hailed for its production design depicting a retrofitted future, Blade Runner remains a leading example of neo noir cinema, and has been highly influential on many science fiction films, video games, anime, and television series. The soundtrack, composed by Vangelis, was critically acclaimed, and was nominated in 1. BAFTA and Golden Globe as best original score. The film brought the work of Philip K. Dick to the attention of Hollywood, and several later films were based on his work. Scott regards Blade Runner as probably his most complete and personal film. In the year after its release, the film won the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, and in 1. United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant. Seven versions of Blade Runner exist as a result of controversial changes made at the request of studio executives. A directors cut was released in 1. This, in conjunction with the films popularity as a video rental, made it one of the first movies to be released on DVD. In 2. 00. 7, Warner Bros. The Final Cut, a 2. Scott retained artistic control. The Final Cut was shown in selected theaters and released on DVD, HD DVD, and Blu ray. A sequel, Blade Runner 2. October 2. 01. 7. Plot. In 2. 01. 9 Los Angeles, former police officer Rick Deckard is detained by officer Gaff and brought to his former supervisor, Bryant. Deckard, whose job as a blade runner was to track down bioengineered beings known as replicants and retire i. Earth illegally. Deckard starts to leave, but Bryant ambiguously threatens him and he stays. The two watch a video of a blade runner named Holden administering the Voigt Kampff test, which is designed to distinguish replicants from humans based on their emotional response to questions. The test subject, Leon, shoots Holden on the second question. Bryant wants Deckard to retire Leon and the other three Tyrell Corporation Nexus 6 replicants Roy Batty, Zhora, and Pris. Bryant has Deckard meet with Eldon Tyrell so he can administer the test on a Nexus 6 to see if it works. Tyrell expresses his interest in seeing the test fail first, and asks him to administer it on his assistant Rachael. After a much longer than normal test, Deckard concludes Rachael is a replicant who believes she is human. Tyrell explains she is an experiment who has been given false memories to provide an emotional cushion. Searching Leons hotel room, Deckard finds photos and a synthetic snake scale. Roy and Leon investigate a replicant eye manufacturing laboratory and learn of J. F. Sebastian, a gifted genetic designer who works closely with Tyrell. Deckard returns to his apartment where Rachael is waiting. She tries to prove her humanity by showing him a family photo, but after Deckard reveals that her memories are implants from Tyrells niece, she leaves his apartment in tears. Meanwhile, Pris locates Sebastian and manipulates him to gain his trust. A photograph from Leons apartment and the snake scale lead Deckard to a strip club where Zhora works. After a confrontation and chase, Deckard kills Zhora. Bryant orders him to also retire Rachael, who has disappeared from the Tyrell Corporation. After Deckard spots Rachael in a crowd, he is attacked by Leon, who knocks Deckards pistol from his hand and then begins to kill Deckard, but Rachael uses Deckards pistol to kill Leon. They return to Deckards apartment, and, during an intimate discussion, he promises not to track her down as she abruptly tries to leave, Deckard restrains her, forcing her to kiss him. Arriving at Sebastians apartment, Roy tells Pris the others are dead. Sympathetic to their plight, Sebastian reveals that because of Methuselah Syndrome, a genetic premature aging disorder, his life will also be cut short. Sebastian and Roy gain entrance into Tyrells secure penthouse, where Roy demands more life from his maker. Tyrell tells him that it is impossible. Roy confesses that he has done questionable things, but Tyrell dismisses this, praising Roys advanced design and accomplishments in his short life. Roy kisses Tyrell, then kills him. Sebastian runs for the elevator, followed by Roy, who rides the elevator down alone. At Sebastians apartment, Deckard is ambushed by Pris, but he kills her as Roy returns. Roys body begins to fail as the end of his lifespan approaches. He chases Deckard through the building, ending on the roof. Deckard tries to jump to an adjacent roof, but is left hanging between buildings. Roy makes the jump with ease, and as Deckards grip loosens, Roy hoists him onto the roof, saving him. Before Roy dies, he delivers a monologue about how his memories will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Gaff arrives and shouts to Deckard about Rachael Its too bad she wont live, but then again, who does Deckard returns to his apartment and finds Rachael asleep in his bed. As they leave, Deckard notices an origami unicorn on the floor, a calling card that recalls for him Gaffs earlier statement. Deckard and Rachael leave the apartment block. Cast. Source Blade Runner The Final Cut7Themes. The film operates on multiple dramatic and narrative levels. It employs some of the conventions of film noir, among them the character of a femme fatale narration by the protagonist in the original release chiaroscuro cinematography and giving the hero a questionable moral outlookextended to include reflections upon the nature of his own humanity. It is a literate science fiction film, thematically enfolding the philosophy of religion and moral implications of human mastery of genetic engineering in the context of classical Greek drama and hubris. It also draws on Biblical images, such as Noahs flood,1. Frankenstein. 1. 2 Linguistically, the theme of mortality is subtly reiterated in the chess game between Sebastian and Tyrell, supposedly based on the famous Immortal Game of 1. Scott has said this was merely coincidental. Blade Runner delves into the effects of technology on the environment and society by reaching to the past, using literature, religious symbolism, classical dramatic themes, and film noir techniques. Watch Guess Who HD 1080P. This tension between past, present, and future is mirrored in the retrofitted future depicted in the film, one which is high tech and gleaming in places but decayed and outdated elsewhere. In an interview with The Observer in 2. Ridley Scott described the film as extremely dark, both literally and metaphorically, with an oddly masochistic feel. He also said that he liked the idea of exploring pain in the wake of his brothers death from skin cancer When he was ill, I used to go and visit him in London, and that was really traumatic for me. Watch Somebody Up There Likes Me Online Free 2016. A sense of foreboding and paranoia pervades the world of the film corporate power looms large the police seem omnipresent vehicle and warning lights probe into buildings and the consequences of huge biomedical power over the individual are exploredespecially regarding replicants implanted memories.