Live Feed, a Hollywood entertainment news blog, covers breaking television show news and provides TV Nielsen ratings analysis. Hurricanes in History. Please note that the following list is not exhaustive and does not include every notable storm in history. Galveston. Hurricane 1. This. killer weather system was first detected over the tropical Atlantic on August. While the history of the track and intensity is not fully known, the system. Cuba as a tropical storm on September 3 and moved into the southeastern. Gulf of Mexico on the 5th. A general west northwestward motion occurred over. Gulf accompanied by rapid intensification. Season 4 of the Curse of Oak Island began on November 15, 2016 with promises of a bigger and better program from the History Channel. For fans, and former. Discover Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa a luxury resort in Maldives where you can sail, dive, surf and take in the endless sky and sea from your. The Island Season 3 Episode 1' title='The Island Season 3 Episode 1' />By the time the storm reached. Texas coast south of Galveston late on September 8, it was a Category 4. After landfall, the cyclone turned northward through the Great Plains. It was last spotted. Atlantic on September 1. This hurricane. was the deadliest weather disaster in United States history. Storm. tides of 8 to 1. Galveston Island, as well as. Texas coast. These tides were largely responsible. The damage to property was estimated at 3. For an interactive map of the Galveston Hurricane visit the NOAA Coastal. Services Center. A westward turn on September 7 took the. Bahamas on the 7th and 8th and into the Straits of. Florida on the 9th. Tqh6pufdnVfjmUxz7e1UbW4.jpg' alt='Bear Grylls The Island Season 3' title='Bear Grylls The Island Season 3' />The now large hurricane was of Category 4 intensity as the. Key West, Florida and the Dry Tortugas on September 1. The. cyclone dissipated over northern Mexico and southern Texas the next day. Although hurricane force. Watch War Eagle, Arkansas Streaming. Florida Keys and the central and south Texas coast. A storm surge. of up to 1. Corpus Christi, Texas causing major damage to the coastal. A ship moored near the Dry Tortugas measured a pressure of 2. United States. The death toll. Of these, more than 5. Damage in the United States. For an interactive map of the Atlantic Gulf. Hurricane visit the NOAA Coastal. Services Center. The system moved. Puerto Rico on the 1. Winds were reported to be nearly 1. Turks Islands on the 1. Bahamas. on the 1. Little in the way of meteorological information on the approaching. Weather Bureau in Miami. As a result, hurricane. September 1. 8th, which gave the booming. Spice And Wolf Episode 7 English Sub. South Florida little notice of the impending disaster. The Category 4. hurricanes eye moved directly over Miami Beach and downtown Miami during the. This cyclone produced the highest sustained winds. United States at the time, and the barometric pressure. Miami. A storm surge of nearly 1. Coconut Grove. Many casualties resulted as people ventured. Watch How I Met Your Mother Season 4 Episode 6 there. They were suddenly trapped and exposed to the eastern. Every building in the downtown district. Miami was damaged or destroyed. The town of Moore Haven on the south side. Lake Okeechobee was completely flooded by lake surge from the hurricane. The storm nearly stalled to the south of Pensacola later that day and. Gulf Coast with 2. The hurricane weakened as it moved inland over Louisiana. Nearly every pier, warehouse, and vessel on Pensacola Bay. The great hurricane of 1. South Florida and would. With a highly transient. Florida during the 1. A Red. Cross report lists 3. For an interactive map of the Great Miami Hurricane visit the NOAA Coastal. Services Center. It moved westward. Leeward Islands on the 1. It then turned west northwestward. Puerto Rico on the 1. San Felipe as. a Category 4 hurricane. The hurricane continued west northwestward through the. Bahamas and made landfall near Palm Beach, Florida on September 1. It turned north northeastward. Florida Peninsula on the 1. North Carolina on the 1. It then turned northward and. Great Lakes on September 2. No reliable wind. Florida. However, Palm. Beach reported a minimum pressure of 2. United States. In Puerto Rico, San Juan reported. Guayama reported a pressure of 2. Croix, United States Virgin Islands USVI. Guadeloupe in the Leeward Islands. This hurricane. caused heavy casualties and extensive destruction along its path from the Leeward. Islands to Florida. The worst tragedy occurred at inland Lake Okeechobee in. Florida, where the hurricane caused a lake surge of 6 to 9 ft that inundated. Florida, mainly due to the lake surge. Damage to property was estimated at 5. Puerto Rico. and 2. Florida. For an interactive map of the San Felipe Okeechobee Hurricane visit the NOAA Coastal. Services Center. Moving westward. Andros Island on September 1, at which time it reached hurricane. Phenomenal strengthening then occurred. Florida Keys on September 2, it was a. Category 5 hurricane. After roaring through the Keys, the hurricane turned gradually. Florida west coast until it again made landfall. Cedar Key as a Category 2 hurricane on the 4th. A northeastward motion. United States to the Atlantic coast near. Norfolk, Virgina on September 6. It continued into the Atlantic, becoming extratropical. A pressure of 2. 6. Long Key. Florida makes this. United States and the. Atlantic basin surpassed only. Hurricane Wilma in 2. Hurricane Gilbert in 1. Damage in the United States. For an interactive map of the Labor Day Hurricane visit the NOAA Coastal. Services Center. Moving generally. Puerto Rico on the 1. It turned northward on September 2. Cape Hatteras, North. Carolina. At that point, the hurricane accelerated to a forward motion of 6. Long Island and Connecticut that afternoon as. Category 3 hurricane. The storm became extratropical after landfall and dissipated. Canada on September 2. Blue Hill Observatory. Massachusetts measured sustained winds of 1. Coast Guard station on Long Island measured a minimum pressure. Storm surges of 1. Long Island and Connecticut eastward to southeastern Massachusetts, with the. Narragansett Bay and Buzzards Bay. Heavy rains before. Connecticut. River. This hurricane. struck with little warning and was responsible for 6. United States. For an interactive map of the New England Hurricane visit the NOAA Coastal. Services Center. Back. Great. Atlantic Hurricane 1. This. large and powerful hurricane was first detected northeast of the Leeward Islands. September 9. It moved west northwestward through the 1. Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on the 1. The cyclone. accelerated north northeastward, moving across eastern New England and into. Canada by September 1. The storm became extratropical over Canada and finally. Greenland on September 1. This hurricane was. Category 3 intensity at landfalls at Cape Hatteras, Long Island, and Point. Judith, Rhode Island, and Category 2 as far north as the coast of Maine. Cape Henry, VA. reported 1. Widespread hurricane force winds were reported elsewhere along. North Carolina to Massachusetts with a maximum reported. Hartford, Connecticut. Rainfall totals of 6 to 1. While this hurricane. United States, the worst. World War II shipping. Five. ships, including a U. Navy destroyer and minesweeper, two U. Coast Guard. cutters, and a light vessel, sank due to the storm causing 3. For an interactive map of the Great Atlantic Hurricane visit the NOAA Coastal. Services Center. Back. Hurricanes. Carol and Edna 1. Carol. formed near the central Bahama Islands on August 2. By August 3. 0 it was a hurricane about 1. Charleston, South Carolina. It then accelerated north northeastward, make landfall. Category 3 hurricane over Long Island, New York and Connecticut on the 3. A peak gust of 1. Block. Island, Rhode Island, while gusts of 1. Storm surge flooding occurred along the New England coast. Long Island northward, with water depths of 8 to 1. Providence, Rhode Island. Carol was responsible for 6. United States. No discussion of. Carol is complete without mention of the remarkably similar Hurricane Edna. It moved. northwestward, and by September 7 it was a hurricane very near where Carol had. From this point, Edna followed a path just east of. Carols. It accelerated past Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on September 1. Cape Cod as a Category 3 hurricane the next day. Edna moved across Maine. Canada later on the 1. Marthas Vinyard. Massachusetts reported a peak wind gust of 1. Edna, and much of the rest of. The storm was responsible for. United States. It moved through. Caribbean Sea through October 8. A slow turn to the north northeast occurred. October 9 1. 2, with Hazel crossing western Haiti as a hurricane on the 1. Hazel turned north and accelerated.