Piers Morgan: Ariana, I'm sorry I questioned your courage Dear Ariana,To be honest, I didn’t know much about you before the Manchester terror attack. Watch Year Of The Fish HDQ more. Obviously, I knew you were a hugely popular young American pop star. But I wouldn’t have been able to name a single one of your songs, nor recognise you if you came up to me in the street and slapped me in the face. Something you’d have been perfectly entitled to do after my scathing remarks about you two weeks ago, when you flew straight home to Florida within hours of the bombing. I was very angry then. Angry at the wicked, senseless act of terrorism that took such a devastating toll on so many lives.

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I didn't know much about you, Ariana Grande, before the Manchester attack. And after it I was angry at many things - including the fact you seemed to flee the country in the wake of the terror that attacked your fans and their family. Angry, especially, at the thought of all those poor young girls who’d been deliberately targeted, murdered and maimed. Angry at the abject failure to prevent this obscene assassin from perpetrating his evil - despite myriad red flags about his radicalisation. Angry at the same old meaningless rhetoric being spouted by our politicians that we hear after every one of these Islamist attacks. So yes, I was angry.

  1. The Tomatometer rating – based on the published opinions of hundreds of film and television critics – is a trusted measurement of movie and TV.
  2. As the start of Part I, Gaara wears a black body suit with an open neck, t-shirt-like sleeves, and almost full-length leggings. With this, he wears a white cloth over.

Then I saw footage on TV of Her Majesty The Queen visiting the wounded in Manchester hospitals, and in my heightened state of indignant fury, I wondered where the hell you were? Well, I knew where you were: your high security mansion in Boca Raton. While you were in your Florida mansion, you'd seemingly left a 9. I just didn’t understand why you’d left it to a 9.

OK.‘God bless The Queen and her kind heart,’ tweeted your friend Katy Perry. Watch Joy Online Facebook. To which I replied: ‘Agreed.

Might have been nice if Ariana Grande had stayed to do the same.’People reacted with outrage to my criticism, believing it to be crass and insensitive, but I doubled down: ‘If the Queen can visit the victims in hospital, so can the star they paid to see. I expected her to stay, visit and comfort her wounded fans and relatives of those who died.’I believed those words then and I believe them now. I still think it was wrong of you to flee the country so fast. I still think it would have been far better if you’d hung around to see your suffering fans first.

In 1988, the Soviet army left Afghanistan after a concerted campaign by the western-backed mujahideen. But since then, many enduring myths have grown up about the war. We pit the Hacksaw Ridge movie vs. the true story of Desmond Doss, Medal of Honor recipient. See the real Desmond Doss and wife Dorothy Schutte. RIVERVIEW, N.B. — It all began as a bucket-list wish, but now a teenager with terminal cancer whose online campaign for kindness has inspired do-gooders across the. The ones that make your heart grow ten times bigger, or the ones that give you the strength of ten warriors on your side. These are the inspirational movies that.

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To my hard, cynical journalist mind, you had selfishly deserted them in their hour of need and run away from your responsibilities. You’re not a kid, you’re 2. Yes, I know you were shocked by what happened that night but you weren’t actually bombed and many of your fans were. So I was angry with you, Ariana. And I think the victims’ families felt similar disappointment. In fact, I know they did because one of them told me so. Peter Mann, whose 1.

Jaden suffered two fractured legs and shrapnel injuries, tweeted me after you returned this week to say: ‘She just came to Manchester children’s hospital to see Jaden.’Ten- year- old daughter Jaden Mann suffered two fractured legs and shrapnel injuries, and you visited her before this weekend's concert- but Jaden's dad said the parents had supported my angry words before that. But you made me eat my cynical words.

You joked with fans and did endless selfies and brought a huge amount of joy. He enclosed a wonderful photo of you and his little girl laughing together.‘Great picture,’ I replied. Very glad Ariana is doing this.’‘Thanks,’ he replied, ‘all the parents supported what you said last week. She came and she was lovely.’I felt self- righteously vindicated when I read this.

But it was a short- lived sentiment. The truth is that you have made me eat my cynical words in quite spectacular fashion. You flew back to Manchester within two weeks of what must have been the worst day of your life. You went to the hospitals and sat with your wounded fans like Jaden. You joked with them, did endless selfies, sang a few songs and brought huge joy to so many shattered lives. The past two weeks were spent getting Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Chris Martin, Miley Cyrus and more to come and join you Sunday night.

You had also spent the past week planning a huge fund- raising concert, persuading many of your pop superstar friends like Niall Horan, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber to join you on stage back in the very city where the attack happened. And then, on the eve of the new show, there was another massive terror attack in Britain.

Many more people were murdered and maimed in a horrific series of attacks in London. I’m sure you were traumatised by this news. Who wouldn’t have been? You could have cancelled the event and gone home again.

Nobody would have blamed you. Well, I might have done but so what? Instead, you defiantly declared the show would go on. I watched the concert last night and it was a staggeringly moving and inspiring event. At the center of the massive, inspiring, moving event - taking place despite Saturday night's London attack, was you. And at the centre of it all was you, Ariana Grande.

My grandmother used to speak of the ‘Blitz spirit’ whenever we spoke about her experiences during World War 2 when she was a young teenage girl. The official dictionary definition is ‘stoicism and determination in a difficult or dangerous situation, especially as displayed by a group of people.’You displayed that exact same spirit last night. You may appear to be just a sweet, pint- sized, baby- faced young woman. But by coming back to Manchester so soon, shrugging off the latest attack in London, standing on that stage and performing with such raw emotion and power, you showed more guts, resilience, strength of character and ‘Blitz spirit’ than every snivelling, pathetic ISIS coward put together. And you certainly showed a damn sight more compassion than I ever showed you. I wrote after the attack that the right reaction to what happened is not just the usual vigils, candles, poems and hash- tags but rage; enough rage to force real change in the way the authorities tackle this new enemy.

I still feel that. I think the time for pussy- footing around with this rapidly expanding virus of Islamic terrorism is over. As the British Prime Miniser Theresa May suggested yesterday: ‘Enough is enough.’Last night I felt a surging sense of pride watching the bigger, better show than the one two weeks ago. But last night, I felt something else too; surging sense of pride that within two weeks of a pop concert being bombed in my country, another, bigger and better, pop concert had taken place here; one that was attended in the same city by many of the same people who had been at the first concert, including some of the victims. They sang, they sobbed, they laughed and they cheered. It was a joyous celebration of life and a wonderful tribute to those who were attacked. As Justin Bieber put it so perfectly: ‘We honour you, we love you.’Then I chuckled to myself at the thought of how utterly enraged those pitiful ISIS douchebags must feel to see that their efforts to destroy our way of life, and force us to cower away in hiding, have been so roundly thwarted by a young ballsy girl in pigtails.

Someone whose first reaction after that bomb exploded was to get the hell out of there. But someone who then got home and thought to herself: ‘No, I need to go back.’Ariana, we’ve never met and I very much doubt I’ll be on your dinner party schedule any time soon. But I want you to know this: I seriously misjudged you. I had you down as just another self- obsessed millionaire pop star prepared to put her own safety before that of her fans. I had you down as just another self- obsessed millionaire pop star prepared to put her own safety before that of her fans.

I was completely wrong I was completely wrong. In fact, you’re an exceptional young woman who last night put on an exceptional show and in doing so, sent a massive two fingers to the disgusting creeps who thought they could bomb you and your fans into submission.

That took huge personal courage, yes. But more than that, it took spirit.

Smoking super- strength cannabis may trigger seizures. Smoking super- strength cannabis or spice may trigger life- threatening seizures, researchers have warned. Trials on mice showed seizures can be induced by both THC - which causes the 'high' in marijuana, and JWH- 0. The rodents also suffered from a shortness of breath and impaired walking after being given both compounds, the scientists discovered. Japanese researchers warned the results should act as a wake- up call, given how widely high- potency and synthetic weed is used. The findings contradicts pro- cannabis campaigners who have long argued that cannabis can help to tackle seizures and highlighted research which shows weed can prevent and control seizures in epileptic patients.

However, lead researcher Dr Olga Malyshevskaya, based at the University of Tsukuba, said the latest findings show cannabis is not a soft drug and warned of its dangers. Trials on mice showed seizures can be induced by both THC - which causes the 'high' in marijuana, and JWH- 0. She said: 'Our study is quite important. Unaware of the particularly severe effect by those cannabinoids, people see marijuana as a soft drug, without dangerous health effects.'She added: 'It is critically important for health- care professionals and policy makers to be aware of the serious adverse effects, as shown in this report.'Clinicians in the emergency departments should always suspect seizure activity in patients who have a history of cannabinoid intoxication.

WHAT IS THC? THC is found in all forms of cannabis, but is abundant in skunk - a super- strength form of the drug that dominates Britain's illegal market. Some 8. They remove high amounts of CBD from the plant, allowing the modified herb to contain only THC. It is unsure how much THC was in the strain of cannabis used in the new study. Over the years, a host of previous research has pointed to a link between the popular recreational drug and mental health conditions. Last October, University College London researchers found that skunk may be twice as addictive as normal strains of cannabis. Similar health concerns have been raised about synthetic cannabis spice, which can slump users and turn them into 'zombies'.

It was previously known as a legal high before it was banned last year following a surge in its use. Now it has reached epidemic levels in prison. 'The number of clinical cases involving marijuana intoxication has been steadily increasing due to increase in cannabis potency over the last two decades.' What do other experts think? Ian Hamilton, a cannabis researcher at York University, cautioned the results, which are published in Scientific Reports.

He told Mail. Online: 'We don't know if people who use cannabis are using something as potent as this.' For the study, researchers measured the brain activity of the mice after giving them both compounds and recorded them. Research that claims to show cannabis can control seizures The findings contradict a body of research which shows weed can prevent and control seizures in epileptic patients.

Campaigners have long argued that cannabis has the opposite effect to the new findings and can help to tackle seizures. Researchers have previously suggested that CBD - the other compound in cannabis which produces no 'high', binds to a receptor in the brain that calms down the electrical activity in the brain which causes a seizure. First Briton to be prescribed liquid cannabis oil on the NHSTheir case was strengthened when an 1. Billy Caldwell, from Castlederg, Northern Ireland, made headlines in April when he became the first Briton to be prescribed such a drug on the NHS. And 1. 0 months since he was first given the liquid cannabis oil, he hasn't had any seizures. He used to suffer up to 1.

THE MAN WHO SUFFERS SEIZURES FROM SYNTHETIC CANNABISThe news comes just a week after Daily. Mail. com reported on a disturbing video which shows a man from Des Moines, Iowa, having a seizure as an effect of years smoking synthetic marijuana. Coby O'Brien- Emerick, 2.

In the video uploaded in December, Coby is seen on the floor convulsing for about nine minutes while paramedics are being called. The father- of- two told Dailymail. The video was posted to You.

Tube by his mother- in- law to warn others about the dangerous effects of smoking synthetic marijuana.