CBS_Production_Entertainment_VMS/2016/10/28/796203075636/PUR86SEASONON_1280x720_796211267517_954079_640x360.jpg' alt='Watch Shear Genius Season 1 Online Free' title='Watch Shear Genius Season 1 Online Free' />Hurricane Harbor. Enjoy the quiet times. Mother Nature is always preparedWatch Shear Genius Season 1 OnlineFirst off remember its a forecast of future possibilities based on scientific study so understand forecasts are only verified in the rear view mirror. There are so many factors to consider and most of those factors have not shown up but are forecast in the long term by other forecasts. Hurricane Harbor A writer and a tropical muse. A funky Lubavitcher who enjoys watching the weather, hurricanes, listening to music while enjoying life with a sense of. One piece of bad data can throw off the whole equation. You know the old saying Hurricane Forecasts are made by computer programs vs a Ouija Board or picking cards from a Tarot Deck. No one laughs if the forecasts officials put out do not pan out. So, many forecasts are drawn wide on purpose so the range is easier to hit. If you have ever played archery with me in Middle School you will understand that reference. I was better at the balance beam, baton and pinball then archery. Note they are vastly different from earlier forecasts that were put out when based on an El Nino forming and slowing down this coming season. That in itself shows how poorly previous models operated in predicting an El Nino that would ramp up fast. And, to be honest that is because there were many indications that an El Nino was forming and then. With that knowledge its worth remembering things can change again just as fast. Weather is fluid and follows its own rules from year to yearEl Nino is named El Nino for a reason as it historically appeared around the time of Christmas. AOL Hurricane History Board became for me an educational experience in tropical meteorology. And in order to keep up Id have to read the report very slowly and it forced me to understand things I knew intuitively but not in the proper meteorological terminology. If you have the time go through the report slowly and learn the many factors experts use to come to their forecast conclusion. Watch Magic Magic Online Mic there. You will learn much and view the whole process with more respect. For me personally I love the analog years that are used to view this coming season in the proper perspective. As a Hurricane Historian I love the details and it goes without saying, but Ill say it again. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and HISTORY REPEATS. William Gray a pioneer, iconic figure in the world of tropical meteorology. He was awesome, amazing and a totally original person who knew tropical meteorology better than anyone else. His views were often controversial but he was a compelling genius with a deep soul and sparkle to him. Its easy to get a rain storm on a summer day but it takes many different variables to get a hurricane spinning. He is less about how many then he is about where. Again, so many variables. He is right way more often than he is wrong. Putting the link to his blog that shows how much work goes into his forecast process. Something to think on. If you had a sailboat docked near Key Largo back then. Note that his map for 2. Also note that his map for 2. Matthews track and the areas nearby were impacted by Matthew. In a world where you cant be safe from a terrorist attack at a concert or at the Boston Marathon you can be safe from a hurricane either by properly preparing or following evacuation routes. Knowledge is power and history does repeat. Stay Hurricane Strong. Listen to the experts and as always be Hurricane.