On The Handmaids Tale, Gileads Morality Is Exposed as a Perverted Lie. Ever since Hulu launched The Handmaids Tale, Ive been waiting for the show to approach the topic of Jezebels, one of the most disgusting and heartbreaking parts of the book. Now that Ive seen the episode twice, I want to burn every Son of Jacob alive until their fingers stop twitching. The episode, aptly named Jezebels, opens on Offred Elisabeth Moss distressing about the fact that her husband Luke is alive. Shararat Episode 97 Youtube'>Shararat Episode 97 Youtube. Of course shes happy about the news, but shes also more depressed than ever, Because shes still sleeping with Nick Max Minghella, the secret Eye whos also her secret lover, and has no intention of stopping. Sure, she could pretend its a fuck you to the patriarchy, but she knows its because she likes how it feels. He tells her theyre going on a surprise trip, treating it like its the best day of her life and forcing her to feign gratefulness. Before they head out, he gets her dolled up. This scene does an amazing job at foreshadowing the madness that Offred is about to stumble into. It frames the Commander in uncomfortable Dutch angles, hinting that theres something off about what he is proposing. He holds up a mirror so she can put on the makeup, giving her the first glance shes had of herself in years but still completely on his termsthe epitome of the male gaze. Most importantly, he shaves her legs. This might not seem like a big deal, and Offred mostly comments on how hes clearly done it before with his previous handmaid, but its a critical moment in the episode. Its a perversion of the Washing of the Feet, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Normally, its treated as a cleansing ritual, having masters prostrate themselves before their servants to show respect for their devotion. Hes technically performing a service for her, but on his terms and for his own benefit. Again, its a perversion. If theres one theme in this episode, its exactly thatperversion. This doesnt solely mean sexual promiscuity, although holy hell that exists in spades here, but also the process of changing or distorting something to serve a purpose. We see this in flashbacks to Nicks past, where hes courted by a man named Andrew Pryce at an employment recruitment office the name of the place is Worthy Path, indicating that its a recruitment facility in more ways than one. During his sales pitch to convince Nick to attend a Sons of Jacob meeting, the man boastfully says,. Its a perversion of another verse, designed to further Pryces narrative. We see this later during Nicks first encounter with the Commander. Its soon after the takeover, and the Commander is in a limo discussing what to do to raise the human population. Another commander named Guthrie crudely suggests pairing fertile women with men of superior status, which Pryce dismisses as a concubine caste before offering his own solution. They figure out what verse to cite, the Commander coins the term The Ceremony for branding purposes his direct words, and thus the sexual enslavement of hundreds of women was born. In the present, the Commander sneaks Offred into the city, a place where women are forbidden to go. Heres an episode guide for all of the Dark Shadows Every Day posts. For the blogs greatest hits, check out the Satans Favorite TV Show tag. The show never tells us. In the series finale, all we get is her statement to Apollo that she thinks shes completed her mission and that it feels good. THE FABRIC OF THE COSMOS WHAT IS SPACE PBS Airdate November 2, 2011. HOSTED BY Brian Greene BASED ON THE BOOK The Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene. Founded in 1978 notsocoincidentally one year after Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope came out, Omni Magazine was a mainstay publication in science, innovation, and. Soap Operas generally try and do this every episode or, at the least, every few episodes, with varying success, so listing them all would be pointless. Sink The Beagle Episode 72 Paleontology Episode 73 A Fossil Named Lucy Episode 74 Scopes Monkey Trial Part 1 Episode 75 Scopes Monkey Trial Part 2. During the entire ride, the Commander is basically giggling like a schoolboy, overly pleased with himself at the wonderful experience he assumes Offred is going to have. They arrive at their destination, enter through the back door, and thats when White Rabbit from Jefferson Airplane starts to play. Offred has stepped through the Looking Glass. Theres no reason to mince words Jezebels is a government sanctioned whorehouse. In a world where sexual purity is dictated by Biblical law, men of power have a secret brothel where they can privately delight in everything theyve publicly deigned too sinful to exist Drugs, nudity, BSDM, outright physical abuse. At one point, Offred sees a man doggy style fucking a woman dressed as a handmaid while shes making out with someone dressed as a commanders wife in full view of a crowd of men, at least one of whom seemed to be masturbating. Thats basically a Venn diagram of everything these righteous men have been maiming and killing others over, for the sake of purity. Quantum Leap Final Episode Answers' title='Quantum Leap Final Episode Answers' />SCI FI Channel is now Syfy, but you can still get access to all your favorite SCI FI Channel content right here. Syfy features science fiction, drama, supernatural. Why Economictimes QnA Ask. Here you can Ask a question, Answer a question or even Debate an answer. It is the place to exchange knowledge nuggets with a. Its clear the Commander brought Offred to Jezebels as a power trip, securing his emotionally abusive rulership over her so he can try and keep her in her place. He constantly refers to her as property, saying shes both contraband and an evening rental. And, while hes raped her a number of times, this time felt especially cruel. In all the other situations, it was designed to serve a purpose. That purpose was wrong and horrific, but it was still a purpose. Here, hes fucking her in a hotel room, for no purpose other than his pleasure, and ordering her to enjoy it. Only thing is. That wasnt what it was there for, and any insistence otherwise shows how he sees her as a concubine more than anything else. Its no surprise its the first time shes cried while having sex with him. However, Offred doesnt have time to internally monologue about the painful hypocrisy of the situation. For there, in the midst of the crowd, is Junes best friend Moira, clad in red hotpants and Playboy style bunny ears. Shes alive, and seemingly well. The pair sneak a couple of moments together, where Moira reveals how she was captured while trying to escape. Shes since resigned to her life at Jezebels, telling Offred theres no chance either of them can get away. Moiras tried too many times, and would rather drink and medicate herself into a stupor than get crushed under her failure again. Even though its tragic, it has some parallels to Offreds experiences with Nick. Theyre both sacrificing their ideals in order to feel good, because they fear thats all they can hope for. The episode ends with Nick breaking things off with Offred after we learn he could be punished for having an affair with her in a flashback scene that reflects the inner strife and turmoil amongst the upper ranks. Then, Serena Joy presents Offred with a gift A locked jewelry box, with a mirror, that plays Swan Lake as a ballerina dances. Offred hates the gift, seeing it as further proof of her incarceration. Season 3 Episode 7 Heroes. But it promises something more in the future. Even though its a girl in a box, forced to dance when commanded by her masters, its still something that can hold a secret. Only time will tell what that secret will be, though I feel the answers coming soon. Sometimes, a book does a better job at conveying something than a movie or TV show can. Your imagination brings it to life, making it feel more real than someone else recreating it for you. Other times, holy crap, a show gets it right. Its an episode that will burn your blood. Assorted Musings When Offred first presents herself to the commander, she had to balance herself against the wall to descend the stairs in her new high heels. That was a small detail that worked really well, showing that its clearly been a long time since shes needed to wear heels. Hes a religious zealot whose ideals could cause problems for the Commander later on. He perverts the Bible just as much as anyone else, but he does it for different reasons, signifying major strife in Gilead. At one point, he tells Nick, Were going to clean up Gilead, son. This clearly hints at what we can expect next season, as inner conflicts threaten to destroy what theyve created. Well, now we know what Gilead does with educated women It forces them into prostitution. Many of the women at Jezebels were working professionals, like lawyers, CEOs, and professors, who couldnt assimilate into Gileadean life. Punishing their intelligence by making them sex slaves feels like the ultimate metaphor for how much men can fear educated women. I couldnt tell if we were supposed to sympathize with Nick this episode, but I really didnt.