Nashville TV Show: News, Videos, Full Episodes and More. Jun 2, 2. 01. 7 1: 0. AM EDTThanks to Rayna's (Connie Britton) untimely end in the first half of Nashville Season 5, we're now facing a country music show without its biggest country star.

With this season, ABC will have enough episodes for a good-sized. Connie Britton Leaves Nashville Fans With Heartfelt Coda After That Big Episode. DEADLINE: Let’s talk about the timing of Connie’s final episode? Why Episode 9, two episodes before the midseason finale? HERSKOVITZ: My primary objective was to. Nashville: CMT Announces Season Six Renewal, Season 5B Premiere Date. The Voice; Season 4; Broadcast from: March 25 – June 18, 2013: Judges: Adam Levine Shakira Usher Blake Shelton: Host(s) Carson Daly: Co-host(s) Christina Milian.

Luckily, the gaping hole where Rayna used to be has been filled by far less frivolous dra.

Nashville Season 4 Episode 19 Full Episode

Episode Recap Nashville on Watch Nashville episodes, get episode information, recaps and more. Check out last week’s Nashville recap here. It’s over, y’all.

Nashville Season 4 Episode 19 Full Episode

Nashville Recap, Season 5 Episode 9: If Tomorrow Never Comes. Maisy Stella as Daphne. Photo: Jake Giles Netter/Country Music Channel. Nashville. If Tomorrow Never Comes.

Season 5. Episode 9. Editor's Rating. 2 stars. It’s time for some scream therapy, people. Say it with me: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!”Because wow, that sucked.

That really, really sucked. Not just that Rayna dies, which is of course the suckiest of the suck. But the whole damn episode feels creepy and ominous, like some sort of bizarro version of Nashville where every positive moment is false and nothing feels safe. Even those insanely close- up photos of Rayna that CMT kept showing before the commercial breaks were freaking me out.

It’s like the camera is staring into her soul. What are we supposed to do with this? I honestly don’t know. How does Nashville go on from here? How does this recap go on from here?

Yes, other shows have killed off big characters before. Shonda made Mc. Dreamy Mc.

Deady. The Good Wife killed off Will Gardner and I’ve never forgiven them for it. But has the lead character of a TV show ever been killed off? This is like killing off Jessica Fletcher on Murder, She Wrote or Mac. Gyver on, uh, Mac. Gyver. I’m not sure this is salvageable, but then again, it’s not like Nashville had much choice. Her exceedingly glamorous doctor and/or spokesmodel tells Deacon that she has a shattered pelvis and hip, but no bleeding in the brain.

Rayna needs a four- hour surgery, then she should be able to leave the hospital in a few days, good as new. This should be great news, except it doesn’t feel like great news, you know? First of all: Why give Rayna a car crash only to have her be, like, totes fine? And why does the whole episode have this glowy, hazy “Very Special Episode” vibe?

One by one, Rayna’s friends and loved ones gather by her bedside. There’s a great scene where Scarlett goes to pick up Daphne at chorus practice, and Daphne looks up and sees her and thinks, “Hey, it’s Aunt Scarlett!” then her face crumbles as she realizes that it must be bad news. It sort of reminded me of a similar scene in Manchester by the Sea. So there’s your cookie, Nashville.)The gang quickly gather. Maddie and Bucky and Gunnar and Juliette and Avery and Will are there, too ? A final song, she says, “that last little thing you hear that suddenly makes everything make sense.” I could use a song like that right about now myself, to be honest. After her “successful” surgery, Rayna has special moments with everyone: She tells Deacon how much she loves him and how everything is better, even the hard stuff, with him at her side.

Damien George ruins everything.)She tells Daphne that she has a musical gift and it’s her privilege and responsibility to share it with people. The magnificent woman you’ve become just gives me such a thrill.”Pretty sure this was the moment when everyone at home gave up hope that Rayna would ever leave this hospital. Rayna tells Deacon about her special visitor and he understandably freaks out. I got a little nervous.” TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS, DEACON!

Anyway, Daphne is supposed to have a chorus concert that night, but she decides to stay by her mama’s side. Then little tween operator Flynn arranges to have the chorus come to the hospital. They all gather in Rayna’s room and start to sing and everything is beautiful and good and then .

Everyone has to clear out as they rush her into the ICU. I should note that Juliette has the same doctor as Rayna (cool coincidence!) and, as she’s in consult with her, a nurse rushes in to inform the doctor that her trauma patient is crashing. And she has her own little Forrest Gump moment when she runs down the hall and sheds her leg braces. Run Juliette, run! The doctor, who’s suddenly not all that cheerful, tells them it’s not looking good. No one has the heart to tell him that’s not an original line.

Deacon manages to steal a private moment with Rayna while she’s still awake. Then, choking back tears, he says, “I promise .

She gets the text from Deacon that Rayna’s in trouble, but there’s nightmarish traffic, so she has to get out and run, too. Finally, it’s Deacon, Daphne, and Maddie gathered at Rayna’s bedside. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking and everyone is acting the hell out of this moment and I am a complete mess. Watch Christmas Miracle Streaming. And then Rayna James dies.

Not Jon Snow dead. Or Peter Quinn on Homeland dead. But dead dead. As in not coming back.“You ASSHOLES!” I wrote in my notes, which I realize isn’t very professional of me, but I will not apologize for my emotions. How could Nashville do this to us? I was full of diffuse anger and grief as I watched the episode last night, but having slept on it, I realize that they had no choice. Look, Connie Britton wanted off the show.

She’s a super famous and beloved actress and, if we’re being totally honest, better opportunities await her. So Nashville had a bunch of options, none of them good.(1) They could put Rayna in a coma, leaving her — and us — in limbo, but at least allowing for the possibility of a happy ending.

Of course, the problem is that the show would be in limbo, too. Nobody would be able to move on with their lives and Deacon would pretty much have to have all of his scenes in a hospital room.

That would get old fast.(2) They could have Deacon and Rayna go on a world tour to promote their album. But you see the problem there — we’d lose Deacon, too. Like, after the car crash and stalking incident, she could go on a personal journey of self- discovery, leaving her friends and loved ones behind. Rayna would never abandon Deacon or her girls for long.

That would be totally out of character.(4) They could have not made season five at all. Honestly, this is my favorite option of the bunch. Deacon and Rayna deserve their happy ending, damn it! But I can see how, from the perspective of the cast and crew and CMT, this would not be an ideal choice.

So what’s left? What could Nashville do other than kill Rayna off and give us this one last super- sad episode in which to mourn her? I mean, I’d probably do a few things differently if it were my show: First off, I’d have the stalker be the one who kills her because the random car crash to demonstrate the arbitrary nature of fate and inherent fragility of human existence is just annoying. This is not Philosophy 1. Nashville. Also, I wouldn’t have pulled the rug out from under people like that. I would’ve made it clear that Rayna was dying from the start of the episode. She still could’ve had all her special moments with everyone without the false promise of hope. That was messed up.

But now here we are. What will Nashville look like in a post- Rayna world? It’s almost inconceivable.

Apparently, she’ll be featured a lot in flashbacks and dreams in the next episode and we’ll also have the long- anticipated return of Teddy and Tandy to soften the blow. The question is, will viewers?