NCIS (Series) - TV Tropes. The cast, Seasons 1. Palmer, Vance, Sciuto, Gibbs, Di. Nozzo, Bishop, Mc. Gee, Mallard. NCIS is an American primetime television series created by Donald P. Bellisario and Don Mc.

Gill for CBS about Navy criminal investigators. The show is a spinoff of JAG (1. NCIS stands for . The organization is the criminal investigative arm of the Navy and Marines, though it is a civilian law enforcement agency, unlike the Army's CID* also seen on the show itself, where the investigators are military. NCIS (Navy NCIS for its first season) depicts a team of investigators assigned to deal with criminal activity involving Navy personnel and Marines.

NCIS is an American primetime television series created by Donald P. Bellisario and Don McGill for CBS about Navy criminal investigators. The show is a spinoff of JAG.

That means that the entire gamut of crime—from Serial Killers to fraud to international espionage to Unauthorized Absences—can turn up. This Major Cases Response Team team is led by Leroy Jethro Gibbs (played by Mark Harmon), a retired Marine gunnery sergeant who Always Gets His Man, and contains a rather colorful collection of detectives and lab workers. A classic example of a Sleeper Hit, the show was largely ignored at the beginning of its run, but has considerably gained viewers since then (although it is now on a downwards trend in the US).

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Like Father Like Son Tv Series

As of 2. 01. 5, is ratings- wise the number one scripted show on US network television and the most watched show in the world. NCIS debuted in September 2. Barring doomsday, it is expected to run for several more seasons, making it one of the longest- running action/crime series in US TV history.

In February 2. 01. September 2. 0, 2. Recent episodes can be viewed free on CBS's site here. It has two spinoff series: NCIS: Los Angeles, which premiered in 2. Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J, and NCIS: New Orleans, which premiered in 2.

Like Father Like Son Tv Series

Scott. Bakula. Although neither series has (yet) reached the heights of the parent program, they have both become successes in their own right. This makes her child potentially the heir to the tribe, which sends mercenaries to kidnap her. Abusive Parents: Eli David is basically an Affably Evil sociopath. Accidental Murder: . The team thought he had been attacked due to offensive and defensive wounds onto his corpse.

Preacher fans have a few more weeks to wait before the series returns for its second season, but there is a new trailer now available that can help make the wait a. Arthur Beare is a 40 something son still living at home taking care of his senile mother Maggie. Watch The Melancholy Fantastic Full Movie here. However no matter what he does he cannot seem to get ahead and is.

They eventually figure out that he was accidentally shoved head- first into a misplaced dumpster while being tossed out of a bar for being drunk and disorderly, and that his skull had happened to hit a delicate spot that happened to cause fatal internal hemmoraging. Action Girl: First Kate, a former Secret Service agent in the presidential protection detail, then Ziva, whose background with the Mossad was as a spy and an assassin rather than as an investigator. Action Mom: Dornaget's mother is a CIA officer.

We get a hint of how action- y when she finds one of the people responsible for her son's death. Action Insurance Gag: Played for Drama in one episode when Tony gets a car totaled by the Arc Villain. The next episode he's on the phone with his insurance agent, who informs him that, since this is the third car it's happened to, the company is considering dropping him as a client. Adorkable: In . Jimmy Palmer is fairly adorkable in his own right. Jake, Ellie's husband, who's good- looking—Abby outright calls him . It's a very tense scene as they talk, enhanced by the fact that everybody in the room besides the two are oblivious.

But the Adult Fear kicks in with the man's threat to keep Fornell from following him from the party. You'll want to follow. But you realize something, and end up just reaching for that cell instead. Fornell: Really. Paulson: Yeah. Fornell: What's that?

Paulson: I might not be alone. While she does get saved at the end of the episode, the fear and worry the divorced couple goes through isn't something anybody should go through. Affably Evil: The merchant of death, Ren.

Ari Haswari, Mossad double agent extraordinaire. The Reynosas, a Mexican Brother. They are actually among the series' most sympathetic villains. Eli David, Ziva's father. Air- Vent Passageway: S1. Ep. 5 . She uses an air vent to move from the server room she is trapped in back to the lab / office she needs to get back to.

The Alibi: One 1. A Marine is killed in a hit and run. The vehicle owner is suspected. Said owner uses attorney/client privilege to secure his alibi. The attorney checks out the alibi and confirms it.

The attorney promptly points Gibbs at a second crime without directly connecting it to her client. See the trope description for why the attorney/client privilege would only have been a stopgap if the case went to trial. The Alleged Boss: Gibbs tends to run roughshod over NCIS directors.

Type 3, and with Vance it seems to be diverging into Type 4. Aloof Dark- Haired Girl: Ziva is a tall, beautiful woman who is a definite Ice Queen to her teammates.

She mellowed down considerably to the rest of the team by season 7, however. La Mission Movie Watch Online here. Altar the Speed: Tim and Delilah scrap their plans for a big summer wedding and instead have a private ceremony with the Director and the team the night after they learn that she's pregnant. Alternate Time Line: In the 2. Gibbs has a near- death experience and while in limbo he's shown glimpses of alternate time lines where he saw Ari in time (Kate and Dinozzo become a couple, get married and have kids, as do Abby and Mc. Gee, but Ziva remains hostile and antisocial), didn't shoot the Reynosa siblings' dad (being unable to get revenge eventually turns him into a bitter alcoholic), and if his wife didn't testify against the drug dealers (she and their daughter live but Gibbs is killed shortly thereafter during a tour of duty). Alternate Universe Fic: There are stories where Caitlin Todd is not killed by Ari and is still with NCIS, more often than not alongside her (in the original universe) replacement Ziva..

There are also rewrites of the transcripts for all season three episodes so that Kate was still alive and having passionate sex with either Abby, Tony, or Gibbs. Always Gets His Man: Gibbs..

Gibbs. Always on Duty: Gibbs' team appears to be the only agents at NCIS headquarters who handle investigations, any others having been killed, transferred, or vanished into thin air over the years. Gibbs is also a workaholic so he comes in early and stays late and his Death Glare is more than enough to keep his team at their desks as well, to Mc. Gee and Ziva's displeasure. Tony might complain about being tired, but he actually puts in even longer hours than Gibbs, coming back to the office even after his boss has gone home. Alone with the Psycho: Usually resulting in a Redundant Rescue. Sometimes, it's been subverted, as the obvious person in danger isn't actually.

In one case, an undercover Ziva killed the guy before help arrived and moped for the rest of the episode. Also, this seems to happen to Abby about once a season. Amicable Exes: Gibbs and Wife #2 Diane, and Fornell with Diane.

They can get along civilly and work together, if things get a bit stressed at times when baggage comes up. Mc. Gee and Abby, who continue to care about each other and exhibit chemistry throughout the series. And Zoidberg: When the team is broken after Jenny's death at the end of Season 5, Mc. Gee is sent to the Code Decryption Unit in the basement.

Gibbs goes to visit Mc. Gee, who tells Gibbs he misses working with him and Ziva. When Gibbs mentions Tony, Mc. Gee replies . The sounds heard from the Nintendo DS are, in fact, the sounds of the user's info (date, time, etc.) being entered into a brand new Nintendo DS. Arrested for Heroism: In . In the end Gibbs, with the help of the families of the people involved in the accident, get her sentence reduced to community service.

Artistic License . The only way to enter the United States from Chechnya is carrying a Russian Federation passport with a US visa, because Chechnya has been a province of Russia for the last several hundred years. Artistic License . However, as one may reasonably expect, Rule of Cool and Rule of Drama always take precedence above accuracy whenever it benefits the story.

Spider- Man: The Animated Series - Show News, Reviews, Recaps and Photos. Imagine being able to sense danger, crawl any wall, be strong enough to bend steel, and have more agility than any other human? For Peter Parker, this is a fact. Except he doesn't think of it as a gift. In his final year of High School, Peter Parker was bitten by an irradiated spider. After brief hallucinations, Peter wakes up with incredible powers- -much like that of a spider. Thus, to make some extra cash, Peter takes on the persona of Spider- Man, and tries to pursue a career as a pro wrestler.

When he witnesses a robbery, he lets the criminal escape, simply because . Then, when his dear Uncle Ben is killed, Peter finds that the murderer is none other than the criminal he failed to stop before.

Now, Peter uses his powers to stop crime, as he learns that . Beginning in November of 1. John Semper and crew launched the most accurate portrayal of Peter Parker to be animated to date.

Where previous animated incarnations focused on action, this version provided the same three dimensional Peter Parker found in the comics. Complete with the familiar supporting cast, a hapless lovelife, doting Aunt May, and grumpy J. Jonah Jameson, the show places Peter during his college years at ESU.

In the 6. 5 episodes, Spidey faced almost all of the major Spidey villains, old and new (except for the absence of the Sandman). Even the comic's second stringers like Rocket Racer, Madame Web, and the Prowler have appeared on the show! It was later followed by the somewhat weaker, short lived series Spider- Man Unlimited, which followed Spidey's adventures on counterearth. Spider- Man Airing Times Saturdays at 1. ABC Family Every Night at 1.

Toon Disney Each episode airs in their order of production, not original airdate. Therefore, the reruns are all in the correct order. Spider- Man is currently part of Disney's new Jetix block.

Note: These times are for the US only, in Eastern Time Zone. Character Bios Peter Parker/Spider- Man: Peter is a kind of shy and quiet guy. He's a science- wiz, and he has a crush on his best friend Mary- Jane Watson. Peter also works for the Daily Bugle, a local newspaper, for minimum wage. But whenever trouble calls, he transforms into his web- slinging alter- ego Spider- Man.

As Spidey, he has the power to sense danger, crawl walls, has super strength and super agility, and is armed with spider tracers, a powerful light on his belt, and artificial webbing. Mary- Jane Watson: MJ is a gorgeous red head that has always lived next door to Peter, but doesn't actually meet him until their blind date.

After breif on- again off- again relationships with both Peter and Harry Osborn, she eventually marries Peter. Unfortunately, after a battle with the Green Goblin, she disappears, and the one who returns may not necessarily be who she thinks she is. Although she's always the enemies' first target, she remains safe due to the work of Spider- Man.

Aunt May: Aunt May is Peter's elderly aunt. She's been taking care of Peter since his parents passed away when he was young. She always supports Peter when he is in need, and Peter does the same. Jonah Jameson: Old JJ is the grumpy- yet- quick witted editor of the Daily Bugle. For some reason, he has always hated Spidey, considering him a .

Eventually, it is revealed that his wife was gunned down by a masked man, which may explain his hate toward Spider- Man- -a masked man. He also has a son, John Jameson, an astronaut. Felicia Hardy/Black Cat: Felicia began as the rich and sometimes spoiled daughter of the Hardys'. She and Peter once dated (pretty impressive on Peter's part), but her life changed dramatically when she discovered that her dad was once a spy called .

When she got involved with his past, she was caught in an experiment that trasformed her into an agile, strong beauty called . She now occasionally accompanies Spidey whenever he needs her, but her real interest is her love Micheal Morbius, who now fights vampires alongside Blade. Harry Osborn: Wealthy son of industrialist Norman Osborn, Harry is one of Peter's best friends.

He seems somewhat wimpy at first, but he has dark secrets. He has dated Mary- Jane and shared an apartment with Peter. He later becomes the next Green Goblin (see below).

Robbie Robertson: Robbie works at the Bugle with Peter, and is JJ's right hand man. He is married with one son, who occasionally gets in trouble, but overall he has a happy, strong family. Despite his boss's beliefs, he always stands up for both Spidey and Peter. Curt Connors: Dr. Connors is a brilliant scientist who works with neogenics. Because of a war injury, he only has one arm. He always helps Spidey when in need, sometimes even when he may be in danger.

He has a wife and one young son, both of which who have his back. Connors also shares the alterrnate identity as the Lizard (see below). Enemy Bios Dr. Otto Octavius/Dr. Octopus: Dr. Otto was a very good and smart scientist, but when and experiment goes wrong he becomes eight- handed Dr. He is one of Spider- Man's most deadly villains. Wilson Fisk/Kingpin: Wilson Fisk is the notorious crime- boss also known as Kingpin.

He is cause of almost everything that is going wrong when he is around. Him and his . Eddie Brock/Venom: Eddie Brock used to be the Daily Bugle's best reporters, that is, until Spider- Man continued to humiliate him. He was subsequently fired from his job and blamed Spider- Man for it. Later, Brock comes in contact with Spider- Man's black costume and takes on the new persona of Venom. As Venom, Brock possesses all of Spider- Man's powers, minus spider- sense, but to a much higher degree. Cletus Kassidy/Carnage: When Venom's symbiote spawned, it found the perfect owner: serial killer/psychopath Cletus Kassidy. Kassidy's insane mind is what powers the almost invincible alter- ego of Carnage.

Though he has most of the same weaknesses of Venom, his powers involve morphing his hands into blades, shooting out sharp symbiote knives, and much more. He enjoys agitating Venom by calling him . Norman Osborn/Green Goblin I: Norman is the wealthy industrialist that owns . He has a rigid relationship with his son, Harry.

After being exposed to toxic chemicals, Norman gains enhanced strength, but the chemicals also cause his sanity to erode away. When he becomes paranoid and close to insane, he dawns the Green Goblin armor, a hi- tech suit equipped with super bombs, a powerful glider, a who knows what else. He is one of Spider- Man's toughest foes, mainly emotionally, because his son is one of Peter's best friends. Harry Osborn/Green Goblin II: After the disappearance of his father, Harry is haunted by nightmares and hallucinations- -and his inner demons are released.

Somehow his father reaches him from the other dimension, and leads him to the Goblin gear, where he becomes the next Green Goblin, with the same suit and technology as the previous one. He blames Spider- Man for the . Mac Gargan/The Scorpion: Mac Gargan was hired by Jameson to spy on Peter Parker to find out how he gets those spectacular shots of Spider- Man.

After failing miserably at it, Jameson comes up with a better use for Gargan.. Spider- Man got his powers. Gargan was bombarded by radiation and scorpion DNA, and emerged as the natural enemy of the spider.

Thus, the Scorpion was born. The radiation began to slowly drive the Scorpion mad, and now seeks a way to turn himself back to normal. Curt Connors/The Lizard: After trying to grow his severed arm back by using Lizard DNA, Dr.

Connors accidentally transforms himself into the ravenous, bloodthirsty, Lizard monster. Now he transforms into it whenever he is angry, but as long as he stays calm, he can control the beast within.